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January 15th, 2015

[info]koshchiy in [info]darker_london

Homecoming (Ko, Nancy, Lucine, Londonites)

Ko had never been on a boat before, and he didn’t like it. The ground was not behaving like ground and no matter how accustomed his stomach was to the drops and turns of flight, he was not used to this. He gripped the railing and looked out over the sea, out toward England as they pulled out of Calais. He could have flown this distance; he and Lucine both, and it would have been better, but for Ailbhe’s vision. (He ignored the question of luggage because it ruined the fantasy of flying over a sea he'd never seen before. He'd never seen any sea before, never been totally surrounded by water.)

Despite the hypnotising constant swell of the water stretching on forever, didn’t linger on the railing long, but began to move through the ferry, searching. Lucine had taken the lower decks, either sympathetic to his stomach or (Ko suspected, but not till later) because she wanted him to find the other deathless first.

... )

[info]apostolic in [info]darker_london

A meeting of two minds - Lucine, Peter (backdated to LITERALLY FOREVER AGO)

Lucine had met Peter at the docks along with her new deathless friend Nancy, but she hadn't said much at the time beyond introducing herself and Ko and stating that a vision had sent them there. She'd said she'd like to speak more privately after she and Ko had had a chance to shower and clean themselves up after the long trip from Russia.

But once showered and dressed (now in something less heavy for the milder London winter), Lucine made her way to the hospital and to meet with this Peter, the undying man who'd once been a true deathless. She was understandably curious about that aspect of him, as she was with all the dhampirs and polyy.

The receptionist (not human, good,) had taken her up to Peter's office and there she greeted the man in the door and smiled, reaching to shaking his hand. "Very nice to see you again," she said in English. "I feel much more awake now."