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August 13th, 2013

[info]theholyduality in [info]darker_london

Speaking of (Teagan)

Teagan was getting a little worried about money. She had a little saved up from working at Mr A’s music shop, just like Joss had a little saved up for working at Mariposa’s, and neither of them paid loads of rent at home but there was still groceries and power and the rest. Still, before they left London, neither of them had been great savers. Joss spent a good chunk of his money on the pub and coffee and books and his motorbike and Teagan couldn’t stop buying CDs from work and gourmet sandwiches every day for lunch.

Now she had no income and her savings kept going down with every petrol station and every camping ground and every meal. And now she was sitting in a doctor’s waiting room jiggling her leg in nervousness and worrying that something was dreadfully wrong with her and how much was it going to cost to fix and she kind of wanted her mother and she was a bit scared.

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[info]officiallybeige in [info]darker_london

My friend (Joss, Teagan, Kenzie)

While Teagan was at her appointment Joss trudged across the park to the public library. He hadn’t slept the night before; this time because Teagan was so worried about ghosts that he promised to stay up and guard her. There was nothing he could have done, and both of them knew it, but somehow it had helped.

Kenzie was awake too. They’d parked under the orange light in the camping ground which was too dark to read by, but light enough see the patterns Kenzie drew in the fog on the windows.

His life felt more like a dream every day.

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