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July 3rd, 2012

[info]pad_foot in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin
What: Reunions
When: Just after Sirius' arrival.
Where: Starting outside the library, possibly moving to their apartment.
Warnings: Talk of murder etc. Sirius' mouth. Possible snogging and so on.
Status: In progress/Closed

[info]notcatnip in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Katniss Everdeen and OPEN
WHAT: Katniss is wandering.
WHERE: Around the city. Starting outside the apartments.
WHEN: Early evening.
WARNINGS/RATINGS: Should be fairly low.
STATUS: Incomplete.
Katniss had been Colligo for a little while now. And while at first, her new surroundings were very strange and something that she'd never< been used to, she slowly found herself adjusting. )

[info]girlwho_waited in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Amy Pond and The Doctor (11)
WHAT: Spending quality bff time together.
WHERE: The library on the TARDIS.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WARNINGS/RATINGS: Probably not very many.
STATUS: Incomplete.
While Amy had lived with the Doctor on the TARDIS, she never really did get to spend as much time with him as she liked. )

[info]blaidd_drwg_ in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Rose and Jonathan
WHAT: Revenge possibly? She's broken, and he's...Mad
WHEN: July 2nd, Evening, after they speak
WHERE: Her house
WARNINGS: None yet, may turn violent

One days she'd be a distant memory )

[info]humanincarnate in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Adam Young and Jack Winchester
WHAT: Hanging out.
WHEN: After Molly left the city but before Sam did as well.
WHERE: The forest on the outskirts of Colligo.
RATING: TBD [doubt it'll be too high]
STATUS: In Progress

Within a few minutes of one of his best friends arriving on his doorstep, Adam's spirits had been lifted. )

[info]fulltiltdiva in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Loki Laufeyson & Adam Young
WHAT: Adam says that if Loki can best him, he will return his scepter. Loki is blissfully oblivious.
WHEN: July 3rd; afternoon
WHERE: The Desert just outside the city
STATUS: In Progress

A swirl of green and black smoke wrapped around him as he landed in the familiar desert plain, Loki couldn't help but be quietly thankful that this time, there was no Hulk from which he had to flee. )

[info]fursplosions in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Jacob Black & Nessie Cullen
WHAT: A bit of hanging out at home and possibly a ride on the bike
WHEN: Tuesday, July 3rd. Morning
WHERE: Their apartment to start
STATUS: In Progress

Jacob made a face at his reflection in the mirror and ran a hand through his thick, black hair before heading back to the bedroom )

[info]pad_foot in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Enigma and Sirius Black
WHAT:" Ice cream. Why not?
WHEN: After this.
WHERE: Main City
STATUS: In Progress/Closed

What more did he have to be afraid of? )

[info]little_dixon in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Daryl and OPEN
WHAT: Late supper
WHEN: Tonight/Early Wednesday morning after his shift at the Roadhouse
WHERE: Some random 24-hour diner
RATING: Usual language, TBD otherwise
STATUS: Complete

Place had way more drama than Sesame Street ever had )

[info]fulltiltdiva in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Loki Laufeyson & The Winchesters (Dean, Claire, Jack, & Meri)
WHAT: Meri invited Loki to dinner, and Claire actually said it was all right. Because this doesn't have the potential to turn into a disaster or anything.
WHEN: July 3rd
WHERE: The Winchester Residence
STATUS: In Progress

Following the map on the PDA was a difficult task, but he was true to his word, and even as he did have to turn around and backtrack down at least three streets before finding the right route... )