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June 21st, 2009

[info]starscreamingly in [info]colligo_threads

who; Skyfire & Starscream.
where; Outside the library, then probably back to the apartment.
when; Yesterday! Uhh.. late morning/early afternoon.
summary; Skyfire's here, and Starscream may flip out just a bit.
rating; Probably no more than PG to PG-13, but we'll see.
warning(s); Some hints of m/m.
status; In progress.

He'd know him no matter the body he wore. )

[info]colligonpcs in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: The Gentlemen and L. Lawliet, Angela Shaw, Jack Harkness, and Cameron (possibly a few others as well)
WHAT: The final set of attacks.
WHEN: Shortly before midnight {BACKDATED to 6/20/09}
WHERE: The bedrooms of the various victims
RATING: TBD (possibly high)
STATUS: In Progress
NOTES: This is it. With the exception of one final victim and those who were randomly chosen to defeat the Gentlemen, this is the final attack post for this plot. If you have a character that is not listed above, yet is featured on this list, and you haven't already replied, we are giving you one last chance to do so. Please only reply if you would like your character attacked in this scene. Otherwise, feel free to assume the attack has already occurred and play out the aftermath (should there be any) accordingly! And, just as with the other scenes, each thread will be clearly marked within this post for each character. They have five replies, the Gentlemen have five replies, and they can have up to two other characters tag in if they would like with each character also getting five replies. Just keep in mind that while the henchmen can be NPC'd (within reason) and injured/killed, the Gentlemen cannot.

Can't call to Mom, can't say a word... )

[info]colligonpcs in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: The Gentlemen and Kaylee Frye, Leah, and Marv (possibly a few others)
WHAT: The final victim; stopping the Gentlemen.
WHEN: Around 2AM {BACKDATED to the early hours of 6/21/09}
WHERE: Kaylee's room; the Gentlemen's clocktower
RATING: TBD (possibly high)
STATUS: In Progress
NOTES: And here we are. This scene is going to contain two threads - one for Kaylee as she is attacked by two Gentlemen and lackeys, and one for Leah and Marv as they manage to track down (either together or separately - the decision is up to the players themselves) the Gentlemen's lair and face off with the other two Gentlemen, the lackeys, and find that freaking voicebox. Essentially this post is taking place a few hours after the latest four attacks, with two Gentlemen returning to check on the voicebox (so if you folks want to use Lindsey's plan of "follow the lackeys" back to the clocktower, by all means feel free :)). The other two go off in search of yet another heart. Obviously the goal of this is to smash the box and scream so as to kill the Gentlemen and as stated before, however you folks want to do this is fine with us. Have fun and get creative! As always, each character in-scene gets five replies and the Gentlemen get five replies.

You're gonna die a-screaming but you won't be heard! )

[info]science_violet in [info]colligo_threads

who; Violet and OPEN
where; Heading for the Clinic
when; Today
summary; Violet's a Physical Mess but Can't Pass Up Parts
rating; Pg-13 tops
warning(s); Count Olaf spoke of
status; In progress.

Clinic or the Junkyard? )

[info]beautifulballad in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Giselle and OPEN
What: Being glad to hear and speak again, but being sad
When: Early afternoon
Where: A bench in the park
Why: She was attacked by the Gentlemen, and Giselle is too damn cute not to be upset about it
Warnings: None yet

Being cute and sad )

[info]lupas in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Kate and Open
What: Heading back to her room after her voice finally comes back.
When: Slightly backdated to after the Gentlemen are killed
Where: The Forrest, then 306A
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

The next moment she heard everything )

[info]buckleup in [info]colligo_threads

CHARACTERS: James T. Kirk, George Kirk
LOCATION: Building B, 2nd Floor, Room #208B
TIME: the morning after Bones' not!death, the sound's return, and Winona's arrival
NOTES: some language, otherwise you're fine
