September 7th, 2011

[info]zak_not_zach in [info]changedrpg

Owl to Tracey Davis )

[info]weirdvoice in [info]changedrpg


Who: Myron Wagtail and Mercy Macnair
When: 7 September, early evening
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Myron needs a date by Friday
Rating: PG to start
Open/Closed: CLOSED for now

The things we do to avoid a blind date )

[info]neverfaydaway in [info]changedrpg

Who: Fay Dunbar and Bex Montgomery
What: Bex writes an advice column. Fay's just following her advice.
When: After dinner, Tuesday night
Where: In the depths of the library
Rating/Warnings: PG fro girl kissing and Fay's potty mouth.
Open/Closed: Closed.

She'd never told anyone all of that. Sure, she'd been mean and rude to just about everyone for years, but it occurred to her now that no one had ever really taken the time to ask her why that was. It seemed like it was easier for the Gryffindors to just write her off as a bitch and deride and shun her. And while she didn't much care - she was too busy deriding and shunning them to care - it said a lot to her about their hypocrisy.

And now here was Bex Montgomery, who apparently had a good head on her shoulders and fabulous taste in men. Fay was happy to find someone who felt the same way she did about Snape's methods - certainly no one in Gryffindor would have ever agreed with her! And the fact that Bex seemed compassionate and kind was a nice touch.

Yeah, okay. Fay was sort of smitten with Sally-Anne, and she knew she wanted to see where that went. But there was no harm in meeting this girl as per her owl, and having a little fun of an evening. Was there?

She arrived in the library and straightened her clothes slightly, looking around for Bex.

[info]hang_ten in [info]changedrpg

WHO: Juliet Rivers & Rufus MacFusty
WHAT: dancing in the rain and then more
WHERE: their cottage in Newquay
WHEN: after this entry
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: Dirty hippy sex!/NC-17/Finished log

i'd make a good monkey )

[info]zak_not_zach in [info]changedrpg

WHO: Zak Smith and Tracey Davis
WHAT: Rocking in the Library
WHERE: Hogwarts Library
WHEN: Between classes

Off to the library )

[info]hufflepuffed in [info]changedrpg

Urgent owl to Hannah Abbott )

[info]thomas_dean in [info]changedrpg

Owl to Wilda Griffiths. )

[info]tottenpuff in [info]changedrpg

Who: Anyone who wants to play (initially Wayne Hopkins and Megan Jones)
When: after dinner, 7 September
Where: the Quidditch pitch
What: a pickup game!
Rating: variable
Open/Closed: OPEN

The air was cool and still--the perfect night for a bit of Quidditch. And, for some, a little head-clearing...

(IC/OOC for whoever wants to play! Just give Wayne and Megan a little space to start--I didn't want to hog the whole pitch for two people.)

[info]toffer in [info]changedrpg

[owl to claudia morgan]

65-35 split me

enclosed are 60 galleons

[info]summersongs in [info]changedrpg

Owl to Terry Boot )

February 2012



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