xavier's school for the gifted

September 2024



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August 8th, 2018



Log: Morph & Hindsight + Protozoa

WHO: Benji and Nathaniel, then open to Linus
WHERE/WHEN: NYC 2023 / The Abbey 2026 (just before the visitors arrive at the camps)
WHAT: The future is really fun you guys.

Time was moving in starts and stops. )



[2026] These lives that we've led, they are a pale reflection.

Alaric arrived at what he was told was known as the Abbey exhausted, somewhat stunned, in desperate need of a cigarette, but alive. Thanks almost entirely to Marrow he’d managed to escape their first introduction to the Sentinels with some cuts and bruises (and a new knife) but otherwise unharmed. Once she’d gotten him to cover he’d been shoved into a vehicle and taken across miles and miles of desolate devastation with some of the others he’d arrived with until finally they’d reached a makeshift settlement next to an old church tower.

As he was shown through the camp to an empty bedroll he searched every face he passed in the darkness for signs of recognition. It was surreal to see those he was acquainted with from the school visibly aged and hardened from their years spent here but so far there had been no sign of Anna. He couldn’t decide which was the lesser of two evils, to learn that she had survived here and was living in all this terror and violence or to learn that she had died in the past like many of them apparently had. Either way he found that he couldn’t bring himself to face the idea of her being dead, he had to cling to the fact he’d just left her back in the present. No matter what they told him here she was still out there.

He was given water and a worn, tattered blanket and though he sank down onto his new ‘bed’ he had no intentions of sleeping just yet. Insomnia aside he wasn’t sure how any of them would be able to after the last few hours. Instead his fingers itched for a scrap of paper and a pen, something he could draw with to start designing a weapon. It felt wrong to ask for anything in this place right now, even something so small and mundane after seeing how little they had here, but this was the way that he might actually be able to help. He would ask the next time one of the team members returned. )