Posts Tagged: '%23day+080'

May. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]


Oliver and Maritza

Out and about

May. 13th, 2024



[No Subject]

Shay & Gable

WHAT: Gable and Shay face some truths. Easy. Hard. And painfully obvious.
WHEN: Day 80, Late Morning/Early Afternoon
WHERE: Shay's room

Safe for Work | Complete



[No Subject]

Anja & Gwen

WHAT: Is gossip also recovery?
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Anja's room

There's not supposed to be vampire attacks! It's Christmas!

May. 11th, 2024



[No Subject]

P4 then Gable's Room — Morning — PG-13 for blood
Maritza is starving. Gwen provides a snack. Gable intervenes. ...
Read more... )

May. 10th, 2024




Day 80.

Weather: It’s a bright and sunny morning, the sun reflecting dazzlingly bright off all snow-covered surfaces. So, you know… everything. Mid-afternoon sees a light fluffy snow begin falling; the snow gets heavier into the evening and doesn’t stop. It’s not a blizzard by any means, but a consistent fall.

Events: If tomorrow is TPTB’s day for Christmas joy disbursement, does that make today Christmas Eve? Twas the day before Christmas and all through the tower, the fuckers did tinker and display their power. Or something like that.

Much like last time there was a dumpster dive, highlight footage of everyone’s attempts plays without prompting on everyone’s computers in the morning. Well, those that still have computers. More on that later.

First, a message is displayed from TPTB. It reads:


Yesterday, we tested several of your number in a challenge of teamwork. This experiment was very similar to one we did in the early days of the experiment. That time, of the eleven teams tested, the majority won. This time, seven teams were tested, and the majority failed. We find this curious. Though many of you have been here longer, it seems many of you are still resistant to work together properly.

As tomorrow is your first Christmas celebration, we have decided not to punish the entire tower for their failures. The participants will be individually rewarded or punished depending on their own performance. We have also extended the window for gift submissions. All submissions must be in by midnight.

Good day.”

Well fuck you too, pal. Anyway, yes, rewards and punishments have been dolled out appropriately. Or, inappropriately. Whichever one feels right. They are as following: Gwen, Taissa, Eunmi, and Anja have all been rewarded. Calvin, Oliver, Birdie, Morgan, Poe, Winter, Nathan, Marco, Hiroki, and Leya have all been punished.

Gwen, Eunmi, and Anja will all wake up to find company in their rooms. For Gwen, it’s her dog, Benjamin Barker. For Eunmi, her cat, Goguma. For Anja, a cat. In their bathrooms they will find the basic necessities (such as food, and litterboxes and litter for the cats).

Taissa will find her mother’s unpublished cookbook at her computer.

Calvin, Poe, Winter, and Leya will all find their beds and bedding have been removed. What's more, any time they enter the room of another individual the bed and bedding disappears.

Oliver will find a large folder full of newspaper coverage about his parents.

Morgan will randomly experience his father's old curses 'reawakening' at various points through-out the day.

Nathan will find all of his marijuana has been removed, including all seeds.

Marco will find the amount of cameras in his suite have quadrupled, and they cannot be removed. In addition, wherever he goes he may see brief glimpses of a camera sprouting octopus-like tendrils. At a second glance they will disappear.

Hiroki and Birdie have been locked out of their rooms. They will wake up in the hallway directly outside, and their doors cannot be opened by anyone in the tower.

Finally, a smiling new face has been added to the tower! Maritza has been added to a room. Funnily enough, she does not have the ‘typical’ experience for those just arriving. She is wearing whatever she was last, and her door is unlocked. She need not bother with the network to be free. How nice of them!

NOTE: Gift submissions are still open for all characters! Submissions go HERE.