Posts Tagged: '%23day+005'

Oct. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Theodore and Julie
When: ~7pm, Day 005
Where: P6 → P1 Kitchen
What: A very nervous man on a very important mission.

Speedwalking through Hell. )

Oct. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]

WHO: Poe, Daisy, & Ari
WHAT Two dead people encounter a devil dog
WHEN 11:00 PM, Day 5
WHERE Around Town
STATUS In Progress
Dogs could learn new tricks after all ➝ Read more... )

Oct. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Anybody interested in not being alone a relaxing movie night with kidnapmates.
When: 8:50pm
Where: The P-2 Theater

How 'bout a little Spaceballs and Chill? )

Oct. 23rd, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Tanner and Cricket
Where: To the schoolhouses
When: Around 1pmish

I think we should do a Gladiator style fight at the arena. )

Oct. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Eris and Winter
Where: Exercise room on P3
When: Just after the 10:30am yoga class

Clearing the mind, stretching and strengthening the body, cleansing the spirit. )

Oct. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Gwen and OPEN
When: Around noon
Where: The ballroom

Clickity-clickity-clickity-clack )



[No Subject]

Who: Fluffy Grayson and Angel-Birb
When: 11am-ish
Where: The stream at Lake Acta Aurora

Starting Fat Bear Week a little early )



[No Subject]

Who: Astral-Simon and [OPEN]
Where: The P-1 Bar
When: Around 3pm

A-haunting I will go.... )



[No Subject]

who: Damarcus and Jesse
where: P4, hallway/rooms
when: Day 5, 9:40am

a panic rise up… )

Oct. 20th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Royal and Marco
When: 13:25
Where: P-1, Kitchen

Gotta eat )



[No Subject]

Who: Daisy & Ari
What: Undead shenanigans, probably
When: Day 005, ~10:00AM
Where: P-5

...and now I'm a WIZARD. )



[No Subject]

Who: Luca and Kaia
What: Luca is done crying and is going to investigate his area
When: Around 9 am
Where: The Fourth Floor starting

.... )
Tags: ,



[No Subject]

Day 5 | 8:12AM
natalia + astrid

WHAT: Natalia's arrival leaves her very upset at unexpected surprises and being locked in her room.
WHEN: 8:12AM, Day 5.
WHERE: Her room, then probably the hallway?




[No Subject]

Who: Poesy and OPEN (she's making a lot of noise)
When: 8:20 AM-ish
Where: Her room/p6 hallways

Let me out. )




Day 5.

Weather: The rain continues today in a steady fall, creating a very dim, grey day. At the warmest point of the afternoon temperatures never rise above 66° Fahrenheit. It’s another cold night.

Events: A great many things have happened in the course of the night, so strap in.

There have been more removals, and if anyone were to go looking for someone who is no longer there, the room has been wiped clean. Please understand, I am not implying that furniture has simply been removed. Oh, no. What remains of any previously occupied room is an empty white space. It really shouldn’t be possible without no one noticing.

No, I mean really. Here’s the thing. For the first time ever in this fun and exciting adventure everyone is having… everyone will wake up wherever the hell they fell asleep. They have not been drugged again, nor have they been moved. So there’s really no excuse for no one noticing people being hauled out of their rooms. Or, alternatively, people being hauled in.

Remember those replacements mentioned yesterday? Well, say hello to your new friends. Angel, Poesy, Lucky, Natalia, Luca, Calvin, Royal, and Theodore have all been added to the tower. They will each wake up at 8 AM, and have a nearly identical experience to those who woke in the tower on day 1. The only difference is that their door will remain locked until they post on the network. After they have done this, their doors will unlock and they are free to join their new friends in captivity.

For everyone else, the subjects will find they have a message from TPTB waiting for them on their computers. It reads:


In the past we have promised that those performing well under our tests would be rewarded. Today we make good on that promise. After some review of time spent in the experiment, we have decided to reward Gwen, Grayson, Seth, Cecilia, Birdie, Luis, Eris, and Sadie. These eight we feel to be most deserving among you all. Each of them has shown something special, be it wisdom, determination, or some other strength of character. Amongst them we have seen several different ways of coping with the inconvenience imposed upon them. Many have tried to make the best of a bad situation; others have dedicated themselves to preparing for an escape, or a long survival here. They have at least been pro-active, and committed themselves to getting on the best they can.

As we have said before, you have all been chosen for a reason. You are discovering for yourselves that you are all from very different walks of life. Amongst you are both pillars of society and the lowliest of criminals. The best thing any one of you can do for yourselves is to see past who you are on the outside -- be it paragon or parasite -- and think hard about who you want to be here, in this place, in this moment. The choices you make will have consequences. Today we give; tomorrow we may take away.

Consequently, it has been determined that several more of your companions were ill-suited for our uses and have been terminated from our study. We have quietly removed them. You have several new companions that should be welcomed accordingly.

And sure enough, those eight characters are rewarded today. But they’re not the only characters rewarded. Just the only characters publicly lauded as paragons. So what did they get? )

But oh dear mod, I hear you say - you mentioned there were private rewards. Why yes, yes I did.

Every vampire has something new in their room today. A minifridge, disguised to look like a cupboard in their closet. Outward appearances have not changed in the slightest - this cupboard was there yesterday, and functioned as a cupboard, albeit an empty one. Today, vampires will be able to smell the change. Opening that cupboard will reveal their new minifridge. And it’s stocked. Each vampire has eight pints worth of bloodbags in their new fridge. There is no note, no message, no way of knowing what their captors are trying to say with this. But it feels like approval, doesn’t it? The thing is, there’s no promise that this will happen again in the future. So it’ll be interesting to see who rations their supply, and who doesn’t even think of it and goes hogwild.

Oh. I forgot to mention something. Those blood bags? At one point in time came from other subject in the house. No one’s feeling weak or is running dangerously low on blood, however, so it must have been taken during abductions. Or perhaps even sooner than that.

So whose blood did each vampire receive? Thank you for asking. )

Gonna be real awkward running into someone with a very familiar smell now. Gosh, that’s fun.