Posts Tagged: '%23day+034'

May. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

Who: Poe and Shay
Where: Theater
When: Evening
What: Talking about movies and sexy times
Rating: PG-13, soft R maybe

Under here )
Tags: , ,

May. 25th, 2023



Placeholder - Linds & Theo

Linds & Theo
In the Library
Late Morning/Early Afternoon
With the coffee mug

May. 22nd, 2023



Thread: Nathan Johnson & Alexis

WHO: Nathan & Alexis
WHAT: Caturday!
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Outside the lobby

Enough talk about that! )



[No Subject]

Who: Edwin & Poe
When: Early afternoon
Where: The elevator, then probably outside

Playtime for Puppies )

May. 19th, 2023




Day 34.

Weather: Overcast skies, strong breezes. Temperatures hover in the high 50s most of the day.

Events: Everyone is locked in their own rooms today, and will remain so until answering a network prompt on their computers. It reads:

“What would be your dream vacation? ‘Home’ is not an acceptable answer.”

As with other prompts in the past, submitting anything to the network will cause their door to unlock. It needn’t be an honest answer. However, anyone who does answer sarcastically will suffer a zap through their implant. Anyone who answers ‘Home’ will still have their door unlocked, but will immediately be zapped into a briefly unconscious state.

They did warn you.