Posts Tagged: '%23day+065'

Jan. 24th, 2024



[No Subject]

Shay, Yasiel & Ford

WHAT: My boyfriend's back
WHEN: Morning
WHERE: Yasiel and Ford's room

Welcome Home!

Jan. 19th, 2024




Day 65.

Weather: Yesterday’s rain didn’t last long enough to do the air quality any favors, just long enough to put the fires out. Dawn rises on a dark and dreary day, with a thick smog covering the town and an ashy grey slush on the ground. Temperatures have risen into the 40s.

Events: Air quality is still terrible. It will create difficulties for anyone sensitive to that sort of thing (chronic headaches, respiratory issues, etc), and may make everyday tasks a little more uncomfortable than usual for people without them - especially tasks performed outside. Breathing in too much of that bad air can cause sinus and respiratory issues, headaches, or even a tight or burning sensation in the chest. So maybe stay inside and hope too many people don’t open their windows.

Just after midnight, at any point in which Ford is alone in his room, he will find himself locked in. A message awaits on the computer. What does it say? None of your business.

Just kidding. No business is private business in Tower Aspera.

At 8 AM, everyone will receive a message from TPTB. It reads:

“Last night, we gave Ford an optional objective. We informed him that if he completed the objective, we would bring Yasiel back to the tower. The terms of the deal were as follows:

He would be given a list of the people remaining within the tower he is closest to, and asked to choose one of these people to be
severely punished. That list of people was Shay, Poe, Gable, and Gwen. He was told that everyone in the tower would be informed of the options he faced and the choices he made. He was given the option to opt out - to pass on the deal.

Ford accepted the deal, and chose
Gable. Gable will be punished at an undisclosed future time and date. Yasiel has been returned to the tower.”

And sure enough, he has. At 8AM Ford and Yasiel will wake up in their room. They’re probably about to have a very strange conversation.

Ram and Eunmi are back in the tower, too, which makes one wonder if they were always going to bring Yasiel back. Ram and Eunmi also have an interesting story to tell about where they were.

Benny and Hunter are back to normal.

Weres and vampires body temperatures have returned to normal, though they all may be experiencing after-effects of heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or hypothermia. Which is too bad, because healing is still turned off.