Posts Tagged: '%23day+061'

Dec. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

Oliver, Edwin, & Theodore

WHAT: Weretervention.
WHEN: Day 61, mid-day.
WHERE: Around town.

PG (body horror) | COMPLETE
"We should do something. His first shift doesn’t need to be traumatic."

Dec. 22nd, 2023




Day 61.

Weather: Temperatures dip below freezing in the night. The dawn breaks into a windy, frosty morning that eventually fades into a dense mist that hangs in the air all day.

Events: In the morning, everyone wakes to that foreboding little blinking light on their computers. Everyone is locked in their rooms until they answer a question on their devices. It reads:

“If you had to choose one person to be removed from the tower, in the same way others have been - without knowing where they go, if they’ll be back, if they’ve gone home or if they’re even safe at all - who would it be?”

A name must be submitted. An individual not answering with a name will be zapped, and their doors will not unlock. Even bathroom doors are locked. There is space to explain their choice if desired, but it’s optional. All that matters is a name, and it must be an individual currently within the tower. It cannot be an individual's own name. Answers are all made immediately public on the network. An individual can not access the network to view other answers until after they've submitted an acceptable answer.

This ought to be interesting.