Posts Tagged: '%23day+055'

Nov. 4th, 2023




Day 55.

Weather: Temperatures dip in the night, and the residents of the tower wake to a town covered in grey skies and glittering frost on the ground. As the afternoon nears the temperatures rise above freezing, but never rise above the high-30s to low-40s.

Events: Good morning captives If you guessed that yesterday’s survey subjects would get their turn at a questionnaire, congratulations - you guessed it. Today, the other half of the people in the tower will wake to find themselves locked in their individual rooms - including the bathroom doors. The group that is locked in today consists of: Cricket, Ford, Shay, Leya, Birdie, Cal, Ram, Simone, Gwen, Poe, Hiroki, Benny, Eunmi, Anja, Winter, Edwin, Nathan.

Once again, the computers are blinking in the rooms of those who are locked in. Checking the computers will find a message from those in charge. The same message, in fact, as the other half of the Tower had yesterday.


At this point in time, we require additional information about your companions - and some things are best determined through personal, one-on-one interactions. It would be to your benefit to answer the following questions as honestly and thoroughly as possible. Once this is done, your door will unlock.

Thank you.

After closing this message, the question - along with a text input for answers - will appear. Upon answering each question, there is a two to five minute wait. If the question was answered seriously, with something more than a one-word or ‘I don’t know’ answer, a new prompt will appear. If not, an error appears and the question pops up again. Doors will not open until every question is answered. What’s more, once closing the initial message, anyone that goes thirty minutes without typing an answer will receive a low-level jolt. This will continue every half hour.

The question asked repeats for each individual not currently locked in. Participants are also jolted via their implants if they try to submit too many one-word or otherwise insufficient answers.

Answers to the following questions should contain as much detail as possible. If you come across someone you honestly know nothing about, you may express as much in your answer. You will have to restart this process if we feel you are abusing that privilege.

  1. What are your opinions on Linds?
  2. Hunter?
  3. Yasiel?
  4. Bastien?
  5. Jesse?
  6. Grayson?
  7. Oliver?
  8. Arlo?
  9. Marco?
  10. Maya?
  11. Ravi?
  12. Morgan?
  13. Royal?
  14. Theo?
  15. Gable?
  16. Sabina?
  17. Cecilia?

Additionally, there are a few strange occurrences characters may take notice of today. First, Ari is nowhere to be found.

To be perfectly clear, everything’s still in his room - it hasn’t been emptied out. His stuff’s there. His clothes are there. His blood is there. He simply is not. There’s no real scent to pick up to figure out where he is, either. What’s that creepy little shit up to?

There’s also a decent chance of seeing Morgan whenever you look into a mirror today.

No, seriously.

Morgan has found himself in… well, for lack of a better term, an alternate dimension. A pocket dimension? A mirrored dimension. He’s in a version of the town and tower there, and he can pop into any mirror in the tower or town and wave or make faces of disapproving disgust at your wardrobe choices, whatever he chooses to do. But he can’t be heard, and he can’t seem to figure out how to get back out. So, uh, you may want to rig curtains over your bathroom mirror before you take a shower. Or not, if that’s your thing. No shame here.

(ooc - please reply here to the survey in character. comments are screened!)