Posts Tagged: '%23day+033'

May. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

Yasiel & Ford

WHAT: Just the last few presents, that's all...
WHEN: After the party
WHERE: Their Room

Mild Spice | Complete
Haaaaappy Biiirthday tooooo yoooooou!

May. 17th, 2023



Thread: Royal & Damarcus

WHAT: Playing music, listening to music, stirring the pot
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Ground floor lobby

Royal took what felt like an hour-long shower. )

May. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

ari & birdie

WHAT: planting the seeds of empathy. maybe.
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Kitchen
STATUS: Complete

"Was it his fault he saw people as objects?"

May. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Who: Edwin and Grayson
Where: The forest, by the river
When: Noonish

Grr Argh )



[No Subject]

Happy Birthday Yasiel! )

May. 12th, 2023




Day 33.

Weather: It’s a chilly, damp fall day.

Events: In the late hours of the night (or early hours of the morning, depending on one’s perspective) the train approaches and enters a mountain tunnel. There are no lights inside the tunnel, and it becomes difficult - if not impossible - to really see out the windows at all. It’s really anyone’s guess as to whether or not they can see the tunnel walls moving past them, or if it’s just tricks of the reflection of the glass and interior light of the train.

At about six in the morning, the train stops. It’s not a particularly momentous stop, it’s not even jarring enough to wake someone sleeping (unless they’re a particularly light sleeper). A moment later, a previously-seamless exterior door opens on all cars, near the front gangway connection.

When exiting the train, the individual steps out into a long, underground platform. The platform looks very old, and is decorated in mosaic brick patterns. Massive romanesque columns are spaced every twelve feet apart along the platform, extending all the way to a high domed ceiling. At either end of the platform are massive half-moon shaped steel doors. These doors are closed, sealing the train inside. It is impossible to get past these doors to follow the train tracks and see where they might lead.

Opposite the platform along the far, long wall are four copper-colored elevators. If one takes the elevator up… surprise! You’re in the entranceway to the stadium. These doors were not visible before, and yet, impossible to miss now.

Here’s the thing. You’re hoofing it back to your own room. You’re carrying your own luggage. On the upside, you’re not being manhandled in your sleep by a stranger without consent. So, win some, lose some? Oh, and also… once the last person (or group of people) to leave takes the elevator up to the stadium… that’s it. The elevator doors will not open for love, money, or a soul-trading bargain with even the unholiest of demons. There’s no multiple trips to get anything left behind, or take back books or costumes. If you leave one of your possessions on the train, it’s gone forever. Do pack carefully.

The town is basically as it was left, minus the birds. They’re all gone. It’s probably for the best. Oh, also: evidence of any bedroom shenanigans from yesterday remains. If someone entered someone else’s room by fuck-you-it’s-train-magical means yesterday and moved things, things are as that person left them. If Goldilocks slept in Baby Bear’s bed and didn’t make it, it’s still unmade. If someone threw things from a bedroom into the hallway, whatever it was is there, wherever it fell. If someone logged into the network on someone else’s computer and didn’t log back out… well, that would certainly be a mistake.

One last thing. Healing by means of magic, vampiric nature/blood, or werecreature constitution is not working today as it should. Hope no one figures that out the hard way.