Posts Tagged: '%23day+069'

Feb. 23rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Gable & Ford

WHAT: Were-Watch
WHEN: Overnight
WHERE: The Arena

PG | Complete
Pretty bird

Feb. 16th, 2024




Day 69.

Weather: Temperatures remain cold - colder, perhaps, than some here have ever experienced before. In the late night hours things drop well below freezing, and in the light of day temperatures just barely break into double digits. Still, the sky is clear, and despite an occasional icy breeze, it’s not bad conditions for tonight’s full moon.

Events: Every werecreature knows the undeniable truth: tonight is the night of the full moon. It is certainly a day spent in anticipation of fuckery. The nights are getting longer, the weather is inhospitable, what could they be planning this time?

…Nothing. The sun sets early (just shortly after 5pm), but beyond the absolutely typical effects of a full moon… nothing happens. No one shifts that doesn’t expect to, or loses control that wouldn’t ordinarily. All wards hold. No one is trapped. No rampaging creatures are set loose. There is no tampering whatsoever.

It’s okay if you feel strange about this. Surely we all expect something to go wrong, but nothing does. If you’re grasping for a possible explanation, the overwhelming majority of tower occupants did request the werecreatures get a reward. Perhaps this is it? Or perhaps the anxiety of waiting for an ax to drop that never does is enough.

We’ll have to wait and see how people deal with it.