Posts Tagged: '%23day+076'

Apr. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

Who: Gwen & Ford
When: Afternoon-ish
Where: Ford's room

Have yourself a merry little blindness )

Apr. 8th, 2024



[No Subject]

Marco is here to press buttons

WHAT: Mini-threads of Marco helping blind people (OPEN - HI COME PLAY?)
WHEN: Throughout the day
WHERE: Left elevator

Moving up in life
I stole that joke from LS

Apr. 5th, 2024




Day 76.

Weather: No changes.

Events: If anyone was expecting to wake up this morning with their vision magically restored… guess again.

Those that were blind yesterday, are blind today. And with absolutely no light sensitivity, some internal clocks may be a bit out of whack.

A lot of things are out of whack, actually. Blind participants may find their closets and dresser drawers have been reorganized. Articles of clothing that don’t even belong to them may show up, because - ha freaking ha - how are they gonna know? Furniture in public rooms may be moved in the path of common walk ways at random times through-out the course of the day.

Personally, my favorite part of the day is the message sent out by TPTB first thing in the morning. It says:

“As some of you realize, not everyone was blinded in yesterday’s experiment. We selected seven individuals to retain their sight. Some of them have chosen to keep this information private.

We have opted not to reveal their identities at this time.”
