April 6th, 2008

[info]xie_xie_xie in [info]07refugees

Need feed help

I recently started a weekly newsletter to promote the Queer as Folk fandom on InsaneJournal. It's a roundup of all fandom activity on IJ, and there's a lot, so it's a long, graphics and link heavy newsletter.

I created a feed on LiveJournal for it, and have a lot of subscribers, but every time I have sent it, the entire newsletter dumps onto LJ friends pages, with, just to add insult to injury, mangled code.

I've done a LOT of feeds since moving here, and I understand them. I had it set to give a summary. The newsletter is in a table format, behind a LJ cut.

I have used my backup journal and experimented with "set title" and "set summary," with a lot of plain text before the cut, with the table eliminated, and NOTHING works. If I skip the table and set it to summary, it does truncate about halfway through, but that's not good enough.

Even "set title" results in the exact same result as "set summary."

And the commands are successful when I enter them at the IJ admin console, so that's not it.

This is the newsletter:


Obviously if I can't fix this, people on LJ will stop subscribing, as it's a hot mess on their friends page. I've run out of ideas, personally. If you want to see what I've tried, it's all at [info]xie_backup.

Thanks for any help you can give!