January 8th, 2008

[info]countrymouse in [info]07refugees

Using ljarchive here?

I have all the links and information about what I should do to back up my LiveJournal and then migrate it over here.

But how can you back up your journal here? Is there a nice, easy way? Or is that going to come later?


[info]catwoman69y2k in [info]07refugees

LJ Humor: A Bit OT

Image Behind Cut )

Oh noes! Yeah, someone got creative and created a costume all about the dramas of LJ (but more generally, online blogger). Humor in all of this drama (with GJ and LJ respectively) is good medicine.

Edit: Found the site that describes this more. I think this costume is actually for sale. What a hoot that would be.


[info]countrymouse in [info]07refugees

Different error with ljarchive

Sorry to be a bother, but this error is still popping up when I run ljarchive:

Okay, I just ran ljarchive again. It looks like it's going along fine, then this message pops up: "The server requires that you set your encoding setting before your journal can be downloaded. This setting can be found at your journal's web site, at the bottom of the 'Edit Personal Information' page in the 'Auto-convert older entries from' box." This might've originally been on the Edit Personal Information Page, but I can't find it. What am I overlooking?

I also saved the entire technical information in case it's a bug.
