August 20th, 2007

[info]serenanna in [info]07refugees

Breaking Down

I've done it. I've joined IJ as a free user for now because of how tired I am of LJ. This is coming after Anildash popped up again InnocenceJ again to refute the idea of big old corporate scheming using Occam's Razor. By this explanation then, their reasoning is that the one doing all the deciding in this is an idiot rather than out to make money.

I'm not gonna comment on that except what I said in the thread, and that I should thank him for pushing me to join IJ finally instead of just lurking. Now . . . where's the anime comms? And how do I get the handy toolbar, or do I gotta pay for it? ::rubs hands::

[info]calime in [info]07refugees

On fandom migration, safe spaces and keeping in touch with your flist

I hope this post is within the community rules, if not, my sincere apologies.

This is the summary of the chat about future possibilites that could be offered by, basically, some ideas that could be good to be incorporated into some kind of a fannish hub/fannish social networking base. So, if you're interested, please check it out, comment, there will probably be another chat some time soon as far as I'm aware.
For me, this project looks appealing for the following reasons: I was and to a big extent, still am, basically a reader/lurker. My participation in any other fandom activities would likely never had come to pass if it wasn't for the LJ with it's easy comment feature and the possibility to collect people's blogs on the flist. Seeing how there are several fanmade projects in the works (Fanarchive, Scribblit, Fandom_flies etc.) and people move to different blogging services like Journalfen or Insanejournal or Greatestjournal or incorporate blogs within their own websites, I'm kinda confident in that authors will find their new safe spaces to display their creations. I'd love a place that would make it easy for readers to follow them - a kind of all-in-one project that could host content, but also could serve just as an linking hub with a profile page, an address book etc. So, for me the squidge project sounds very appealing. What do you think?