June 26th, 2007

[info]stevie_andy in [info]07refugees

New Asylum & a question

I looked for one and found that this journal is lacking an asylum: search for beta readers (and offering services).

So I created one for such purposes: [info]beta_readers.

Happy beta'ing. =)

x-posting to asylum_promo

"Looking for a Diversified fanfiction asylum"

Is there an asylum that has multi-fandom fanfiction? o.O Especially for ones that are not so well known like the manga, Girl Got Game. :S

If there's none, I'll create another asylum but with the sole purpose of writing for lesser known fandom.

Edit:: I've created another asylum about the above question! [info]unknown_fandom, which will accept pretty much any kind of works like fan fiction and fanart (and I suppose icons too, now that I think about it...)