June 5th, 2007

[info]melacynthe in [info]07refugees

Kinda like LJ's brutal Honesty but without the attitude of "Its not brutal, you're an idiot". Brutal, lame, whatever... as long as its interesting and/or well written :)

Confess your secrets, get something off your chest, rant, whine, whatever... as long as there's a point.

Yeah, responses can be harsh and even judgmental, but within reason. Snark is allowed.

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees."
Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)

I'm also tempted to create another bad sex comm, if anyone would be interested in it... the's always amusement to be found there. :)

[info]gentleman_lech in [info]07refugees

Hi everyone. I've been hanging out for a few days, but hadn't posted anything yet, so I figured I might as well say hello.

I've got the same username as here on both LJ and GJ (and just about every other LJ clone site that I can get a free account at, just to make sure I've got the name). Feel free to friend me wherever.

[info]purplefeen in [info]07refugees

[info]btvs_icontest and [info]bigbadfic

For fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, whether you're taken of fanfiction or graphics, we have groups for both.

[info]btvs_icontest is an icon contest asylum for the artistically inclined - and those that like to admire the talents of others. We've just posted our first challenge, so come out and enter - or just lend your support!

[info]bigbadfic is for fanfiction - or fanfic featuring vampire Spike to be specific! If you like to write or read fanfiction about the sexiest peroxide blond vamp in the Jossverse, come over and join us. We'll even make Spike promise not to bite, unless you want him to, that is. ::wink::