13 May 2020 @ 11:56 am
Snarry-a-Thon20: FIC: From the Ditch  
Title: From the Ditch
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] silkendreammaid
Other pairings/threesome: N/A
Rating: G
Word Count: 15,071
Content/Warning(s): N/A
Prompt 85: George's newest hire for WWW is Severus and Harry is shocked just like everyone else. Harry could also be a WWW employee or just a loyal customer. I'd love to see Severus and George strike up a friendship, and perhaps Harry witnesses Severus apologize to George for cutting off his ear.
Summary: Five years after the Battle of Hogwarts Severus Snape picks George Weasley out of a ditch.
A/N: Fluff and fluff.

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(From the Ditch)