08 June 2012 @ 12:28 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC and ART: Seeking Familiar Approval  
Title: Seeking Familiar Approval
Author: Laverne [info]suitesamba
Artist: Shirley [info]veridari
Rating: R
Word count: 5,594
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Humor, romance, acts of animal aggression*
Prompt: Technically a wild card, but the story was inspired by a plot bunny and a drawing the artist (Shirley) made a couple years ago, dusted off and shared with the writer (Laverne). Schlemiel, schlemazel, Hasenfeffer Incorporated!
Summary: Harry has a new boyfriend but Harry’s Familiar isn’t too fond of him. To what lengths will Severus go as he seeks Familiar approval?
A/N: Thanks to L, who agreed to beta this at the last minute. Hugs, kisses and manly back slaps to the magnificent moderators, the talented proofreader and especially to Hedwig, who, of course, did not die after all but flew away from the chaos back to Hogwarts where she was waiting for Harry when he returned the next May.

Hedwig's Friend Thumb

Seeking Familiar Approval )
08 June 2012 @ 12:31 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: That Which Makes Us Weep  
Title: That Which Makes Us Weep
Author: [info]roozetter
Other pairings/threesome: Past Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Dean, random next-gen pairings
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 19,224
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Minor character death, natural causes*
Prompt: Wild Card #2, which turned into -- #15: Epilogue-compliant except for the presumption Snape is dead: They don't get together until Harry is divorced and has grandkids, so there's no tight jeans or smooth skin in sight. Just wrinkles and cardigans and gray hair and adorable old dudes in love. Bonus points for Snape pulling off snarky sappiness in his old age.
Summary: After the war the Wizarding World looks to Harry to give them hope. So he does. And Love, Joy, Grief, Understanding, Pain, Courage, and Strength. He makes his living giving pieces of his emotions to the world and is happy to do so, in fact. Until Severus Snape contacts him one day and asks for Redemption.
A/N: Title from the quote: “Any fool can be happy. It takes a man with a real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep” ~ Clive Barker. Also - Harry is sixty-three in this story, and Severus is eighty-three. I hate doing math, so thought I would save all the readers the trouble of figuring that out. You’re welcome.

(That Which Makes Us Weep)
08 June 2012 @ 12:34 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: ART: Rapture  
Title: Rapture
Artist: [info]luinie
Rating: PG
Media: Photoshop
Content/Warning(s): None
Prompt: Art for a favorite fic
Summary: Illustrations for Rapture by [info]mia_ugly. A pocket watch from Dumbledore takes Harry back to various stages of Snape's life to get him to know the man, but would not let any of Harry's efforts to change the course of Snape's fate come to pass. Can he find a way..?
A/N: Many thanks to our hard working and generous mods for putting up with my extreme tardiness. This is dedicated to [info]mia_ugly, whose beautiful, not-ending love story is one of the best Snarrys ever, and a wonderful cure for the grievous Post Deathly Hallows Stress Disorder. (the tea, very warm).

Rapture thumb

Rapture )
08 June 2012 @ 03:08 pm
When patience is required...  

Title: When patience is required...

Rating : G

Author: Pekeleke

Word Count: 100

Challenge: Written for snarry_100 prompt challenge 253: Patience.

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Don't own these characters. No money is being made out of this work!

Summary: Sometimes being patient is the hardest task of all...

Author's note: I've been browsing through the list of past challenges and I've found some I'd like to try my hand at. Don't worry, they are not that many! :)

When patience is required...


08 June 2012 @ 03:18 pm
The master of persuasion.  

Title: The master of persuasion.

Rating : NC-17

Author: Pekeleke

Word Count: 100

Challenge: Written for snarry_100 prompt challenge 322: Persuasion.

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Don't own these characters. No money is being made out of this work!

Summary: Harry is in need of a lesson in the fine art of persuasion. Severus obliges...

A/N: This drabble contains a explicit sexual situation.

The master of persuasion.



08 June 2012 @ 09:47 pm
Snarry-a-Thon12 Week Five Wrap-up  
We've had five wonderful weeks and posting for this year's Snarry-a-Thon is now complete. Thanks to everyone reading and commenting. The authors and artists really appreciate it!

Also, we're looking for recs! And if you want to let us know that you've recced any Snarry-a-Thon fic or art on your IJ/LJ/DW or anywhere else in an unlocked post, comment to this post, or drop us an e-mail at the mod email. Anything that collects three or more recs will be forwarded to the newsletters. Thanks!

Lastly, a quick reminder than all chan entries and any NC-17 artwork are always locked. Please join [info]snape_potter to see all of our fest entries.

Getting There.... R, 14,500
Summary: Twenty-four years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus has a kinder, gentler facade. Of course, not with Harry Potter.
DW, LJ, or IJ
The Glacier Knocks in the Cupboard PG, 5,641
Summary: #162: Outsider POV: Possibly Hermione or anyone's take on a Snarry relationship which develops whilst they're still at Hogwarts (either HBP or going off-canon).
DW, LJ, or IJ
I’ll Take Less (when I always give so much more) R, 24,345
Summary: Just because you know somebody doesn’t mean you know them. Especially when it comes to family.
DW, LJ, or IJ
A Good Boy PG-13, 2,300
Summary: Severus is rewarded for being a good boy.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Healing NC-17, 10,065
Summary: The only potion that will keep Snape alive after Nagini involves semen, willingly given. Once the news of this gets out, the sperm bank sees a sharp decline in donors because most men find this prospective use of it icky. Harry, being Harry, rolls his eyes and volunteers because it's really creating a problem. However, he isn't quite sure what to do when it turns out to be even more effective really fresh.
DW, LJ, or IJ
How I Met My Prince NC-17, 4,303
Summary: Working on his latest novella, Harry reminisces about how he started writing.
DW, LJ, or IJ
The Traveler's Heart PG-13, 16,963
Summary: Sometimes you don't need a mirror to look into your own eyes.
DW, LJ, or IJ
No Sex Please, We're Wizards NC-17, 4,700
Summary: Snape finally agrees to have dinner with Harry but when the time comes, Harry finds out that Severus is very particular about what goes where and where things do not go!
DW, LJ, or IJ
In the Sanctuary of His Eyes NC-17, 20,499
Summary: Severus Snape created the perfect submissive: beautiful, responsive, obedient to a fault. Harry Potter was everything Snape never knew he wanted—until the day Lucius Malfoy snatched him up with a snap of his fingers. Now the light was fading from Potter's eyes, but Snape wasn't certain he wanted to rescue Potter again.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Adverse Conditions R, 2,275
Summary: Eileen Prince Snape, now head of the Prince family, has refused to grant permission for Harry to formally court Severus. Harry is determined to get her to change her mind, despite the adverse conditions he is facing.
DW, LJ, or IJ
That Which Makes Us Weep PG-13, 19,224
Summary: After the war the Wizarding World looks to Harry to give them hope. So he does. And Love, Joy, Grief, Understanding, Pain, Courage, and Strength. He makes his living giving pieces of his emotions to the world and is happy to do so, in fact. Until Severus Snape contacts him one day and asks for Redemption.
DW, LJ, or IJ

Something Wrong With Severus, R
Summary: The Prince family has a secret, when they find their mate and are ready to have offspring, their creature inheritance will make them rather animalistic...Sadly (or luckily?) both Headmaster Snape and his lover, Professor Potter, didn't know this secret. One morning, Harry found his lover acting rather strangely (Severus began grooming his hair for no reason). He tried asking for help from his friends and fellow professors to see why Severus was acting this way, but appears his interactions with other people make Severus even more possessive of him.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Unveiling, PG
Summary: #173: "Harry has been cursed by a rogue Death Eater and he’s invisible (or turning into it). Snape and his potion/dark magic-expertise to the rescue. Somewhere along the way of making Harry visible again love ensues."
DW, LJ, or IJ
Road to Heaven, PG
Summary: 63. Modern day, non-magical AU. Severus is a wealthy, world-renowned artist who has lost inspiration. In his search for a muse, he stumbles upon Harry, a young college student who just started working at Severus' favorite cafe/bar/diner. And he's everything Severus has been searching for. It helps that Severus finds him devastatingly attractive, with Harry's eager, puppy-like exuberance.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Midnight Tryst, R
Summary: Harry has been combing the Forbidden Forest looking for the dark and elusive man who keeps slipping through the Aurors' forces. Unfortunately for Harry it seems that Severus Snape, a man on the run, has caught his would-be captor instead.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Rapture, PG
Summary: Illustrations for Rapture by [info]mia_ugly. A pocket watch from Dumbledore takes Harry back to various stages of Snape's life to get him to know the man, but would not let any of Harry's efforts to change the course of Snape's fate come to pass. Can he find a way..?
DW, LJ, or IJ

Seeking Familiar Approval R, 5,594
Summary: Harry has a new boyfriend but Harry’s Familiar isn’t too fond of him. To what lengths will Severus go as he seeks Familiar approval?
DW, LJ, or IJ

If you missed something from week four, you can find the wrap-up post on DW, LJ, or IJ. The week three wrap-up can be found on DW, LJ, and IJ. The week two wrap-up can be found on DW, LJ, and IJ. Week one wrap-ups can be found here: DW, LJ, and IJ.
08 June 2012 @ 09:52 pm
That's a Wrap...  
Regular posting for Snarry-a-Thon12 is now over! Whew!

Art under the cut )

We'd like to take a moment to thank all of you - artists, authors, readers, watchers, commenters, reccers, betas, and lurkers alike - for all of your contributions and continuing support of our ship. Hopefully we have fully put to rest those silly rumors that our ship was in desperate need of last rites. ;D We hope, too, that you've enjoyed yourselves with this fest because embracing and sharing our love for all things Snarry is the reason we are all here. This fest would not exist without all of you, and your efforts are appreciated more than we can possibly express. ♥♥♥
Special, undying love and admiration (as well as both of our first-borns; both can be packed off in a matter of moments!) for the tireless efforts of:  )