06 June 2012 @ 12:52 pm
Severus/Harry Big Bang MANDATORY CHECK-IN Reminder  
Thanks so much to everyone who has checked in already. There are still a few people we need to hear from.

The check-in runs until the 8th of June so those of you who haven't emailed us yet (spfestmod @ gmail . com) have a couple more days to get in touch.

Remember we need to know whether you are still planning to participate, are trying for your NEWT (25K) or your OWL (12K), and whether you expect to be done by the August 15th due date. With your email, please attach a copy of your rough/partial draft or your outline/notes. We only want to gauge progress, so please don't be concerned if your rough draft is VERY rough.

If we don't hear from you, we will assume you are no longer planning to participate, but we would much rather know for certain directly from you if that is the case.

Comments are screened if you have any other questions.
06 June 2012 @ 12:59 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: The Traveler's Heart  
Title: The Traveler's Heart
Author/Artist: [info]gigglinggigi
Other pairings/threesome: Past implied Snarry and AU pairings of: Harry/Draco, Hermione/Luna, James/Lily, Sirius/Remus, Harry/Draco/Severus
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 16,963
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *A/U, character death, angst, hinted at BDSM, hint of torture (not graphic).*
Prompt: # 46: After a long war and having killed Voldemort, Harry (18-24 yrs) is transported along with his and Severus's child to an alternate universe where things are different (Voldemort long dead/never existed/not as bad). Harry is forced to come to terms with mourning for the father of his child, Severus, while living in a new world where he is alive. I’d love to see the bond between Harry and his child and how Severus copes with meeting a child that is his and yet not his.
Summary: Sometimes you don't need a mirror to look into your own eyes.
A/N: Thank you to baby for the beta. This thing just didn't want to end! It was an evil evil thing. But I loved the prompt. Please point out any other errors you see.

(The Traveler's Heart)
06 June 2012 @ 01:04 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: ART: Road to Heaven  
Title: Road to Heaven
Artist: [info]snapy_90
Rating: PG
Media: Gimp
Content/Warning(s): None
Prompt: 63. Modern day, non-magical AU. Severus is a wealthy, world-renowned artist who has lost inspiration. In his search for a muse, he stumbles upon Harry, a young college student who just started working at Severus' favorite cafe/bar/diner. And he's everything Severus has been searching for. It helps that Severus finds him devastatingly attractive, with Harry's eager, puppy-like exuberance.
Summary: See prompt.
A/N: In the beginning I did not consider (OR think about) participating (mainly 'cause I've not got much free time), but when I saw this prompt, an idea just popped into my mind.

Road to Heaven Thumb

Road to Heaven )
06 June 2012 @ 01:06 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: No Sex Please, We’re Wizards  
Title: No Sex Please, We’re Wizards
Author: [info]veracityrules
Pairing: Mention of past SS/OMCs/OFCs & HP/OMCs/OFCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,700
Content/Warnings: (highlight for spoilers) *Oral sex, rimming, mutual masturbation, intercrural sex, safe sex theme, EWE, It’s a miracle - Severus survives.*
Prompt: #136 - Everything But Anal: Neither Severus nor Harry will bottom so they have sex every other way they possibly can.
Summary: Snape finally agrees to have dinner with Harry but when the time comes, Harry finds out that Severus is very particular about what goes where and where things do not go!
A/N: My very first Snarry and first attempt at writing again for over 3 years. Sincere thanks to the Snarry-a-thon12 mods for your patience. Also, thank you to [info]badgerlady for beta-ing this fic at the last minute.

No Sex Please, We’re Wizards )