Mar. 23rd, 2008


Egg Hunt

Title: Egg Hunt
Characters: Sanzo, Hakkai, Gojyo, Goku, Lirin 
Rating: G
Challenge: stranded
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100 
A/N: Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! :)

“Why are you following us?” Sanzo demanded as he glared down at Lirin.
“I’m going to prove to my brother that I can defeat you.”
“Well you haven’t done anything besides follow us into this forest,” stated Gojyo.
“It’s all part of my plan!”
“Why don’t we play a game then?” said Hakkai. “I’ve hidden some candy eggs around this area. Whoever finds the most wins.” He handed each of them a colorful basket. “Ready, Set, Go!”
“Wait Goku, don’t run after her,” shouted Sanzo.
“Forget the monkey,” said Gojyo. “Quick, let’s run and give the little brat the slip.”

Mar. 21st, 2008



Title: Alone
Characters: Sanzo, Hazel, and mentioned of others
Rating: G
Challenge: Stranded
Team: Homura-tachi
Word Count: 100
He doesn’t need them.
“Hey Sanzo, do you have a light? I’ll share the smokes if you lent me your lighter.”
He doesn’t need them.
“Sanzo, please be careful with where you put the sutra. I nearly threw it with the rest of the laundry.”
He doesn’t need them.
“What’s wrong Sanzo? Here, I have a pork bun that you can have. That always cheers me up.”
He doesn’t need any of them.
“You’ve made the right decision, Sanzo,” came Hazel’s southern drawl. “Those misfits are dangerous.”
Sanzo scowled.  “I don’t need you either. I’ll make it on my own.”

Mar. 17th, 2008


Prompt #40

Killing a character is never easy, especially when they want to go down swinging.  The Sanzo-ikkou managed to take down all of their opponents last week for 10 points.

This week's prompt is #40 - Stranded

Being stranded can leave you feeling very alone and very helpless - even if you are in the company of others. 

Have the Sanzo-ikkou been stranded in the middle of nowhere due to a very exhausted jeep? Goku probably felt very stranded while imprisoned in the mountain cave? Has Gojyo ever been left high and dry? Does Homura ever feel that he has been left behind?

Isolated, marooned, completely alone - strand the characters this week in just 100 words.

Mod note: Some of you will notice that the tagging has changed. This is for two reasons:

1. To group all of the authors together so that you don't have to wade through all the prompts to find your favorites.
2. For those with underscores at the beginning of their user names to show up correctly in the tags. For some reason, the tagging will not accept an underscore as the first character in the tag. Now, those author names are correct.

From now on, tagging for author names will appear as author: yohjideranged.

January 2010





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