Dec. 19th, 2007


Food for Thought

Title: Food for Thought
Characters: Sanzo, Hakkai, Gojyo, Goku
Rating: PG
Challenge: nostalgia
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Okonomiyaki is sometimes called 'Japanese Pancakes' and is made of flour, water, cabbage/veggie, eggs, and meat; fried and flipped like pancakes.

“Sanzo, remember the time when we had okonomiyaki.”

“You damn monkey,” snapped Gojyo. “Stop talking like you hadn’t had any okonomiyaki for years. That was last week.”

“Sanzo, remember the time Hakkia let me flip the okonomiyaki and it landed on your head. I never got to taste it.”

“Hey! I nearly got shot because of you.”

“Shut up,” said Sanzo from behind the newspaper. “That was only a couple days ago, if you care to use that monkey brain of yours.”

Hakkai appeared, carrying a bag. “Good news everyone! I bought enough ingredients to make okonomiyaki tonight.”



Through the Darkness

Title: Through the Darkness
Characters : Kougaiji
Challenge: nostalgia
Team: Kou-tachi
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

He stared up at Rasetsunyo, the shadows of her bonds covering him in darkness.

His memories of their time together grew dim. Snatches of the past flickered in his mind, illuminated by the fireflies that tended to his dreams.

He felt her hand on his cheek, smelled the sweet oils she always wore, heard her words whispered at his bedside, saw the way she smiled, and tasted the special meals she cooked despite the servants’ displeasure.

The sensations only lasted for so long.

“I will save you Mother,” he murmured. “No matter what, I will rescue you from this prison.”

Dec. 18th, 2007


Nostalgic Moment

Title: Nostalgic Moment
Characters/Pairings: Sanzo/Hakkai
Rating/Type: PG
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: First Post

Hakkai never liked the rain, even before that dreaded day where he lost her. But she loved the rain. He remembered those long rainy days where Kana sat near the window and would be entertained for hours just watching the rain drops fall. He remembered joining her, curling up together, and being in peace. Hakkai never liked the rain, but it was an opportunity to be with Kana.

“Are you done having your nostalgic moment?”

“Yes, Sanzo.”

“Then get your ass back into bed.”

Hakkai smiled when he felt strong arms around him, pulling him back to his present lover.

Dec. 17th, 2007


Prompt #27

Strangers were hard to come by last week.  No points were awarded.

This week's prompt is #27 - Nostalgia

Nostalgia can be a bittersweet thing.  It is fond longing for something that has past, and yet can the recollection of that something can make you feel a little sad that it isn't that time again.

Is Sanzo feeling a little nostalgic for his master?  Does Hakkai remember better days when the rain won't stop coming down?  Are Gojyo's remembrances trivial little things in his book?  Is there anything Ni would be nostalgic over?  Or does the past hurt override any nostalgic feelings whatsoever?

What could make our characters feel a little nostalgia?  Write it in just 100 words.  

January 2010





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