June 17th, 2008

[info]walks_again in [info]parabolical

who| Heidi Petrelli and Claire Bennet(Future)
what| Heidi is a slice of calm in a world gone mad.
where| Hyperion Hotel; Lobby.
when| Evening.
rating| TBA
status| In progress

Observing the after-hours through windows and doors was a poor substitute, but it sufficed. )

[info]haunting_aria in [info]parabolical

Who: Diva + Open
What: Birth
When: Late Evening
Where: The Park
Rating: R
Status: Narrative. Open to interaction with vampires and anyone else who might be attracted to her song.

Read more... )

[info]thegoodguy in [info]parabolical

WHO: Ben + Rangers
WHERE: Pepperdine University, office of Dr. Gale
WHAT: The beginning of the end
WHEN: Tuesday Morning
NOTE: I'm sorry if I'm slow to post! IRL is still killing me.

It's a good thing.... )

[info]selfpropelled in [info]parabolical

WHO: Nathan Petrelli, Cordelia Chase, Peter Petrelli
WHERE: The Hyperion; with the PTB
WHEN: after Mantis' revelation
WHAT: Mantis is dying. The Dream Team is going to try and save him.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

the Powers That Be were getting a visit )

[info]justremembering in [info]parabolical

Who: Charlie Andrews and Gabriel Gray
What: Checking up during a Truth Crisis
Where: Hyperion; Gabriel's room
When: after this
Rating: Likely G or PG
Status: incomplete

After seeing the post from Sarah that Gabriel might need some looking after, Charlie got to work. She headed straight down to the kitchen and quickly found the stash of Oreo cookies someone had hidden on an upper shelf, grabbed two cups and a quart of milk, and went up the stairs to Gabriel's room. Balancing the goodies on a tray in one hand (working as a waitress for so long did pay off in some ways), she knocked at the door.

"Gabriel? It's Charlie. Wanna open up?"

[info]ather_fledgling in [info]parabolical

Who: Aubrey & Caryn Smoke
What: Be cute, talk, whatever it is people who live together do.
Where: Their house
When: After this
Rating: Depends on where it goes, though could go high.
Status: Incomplete

Lost witch and a tired vampire )

[info]ex_johanna409 in [info]parabolical

Who: Martha Jones and Rose Tyler
What: First meetings and looking for the missing Doctor.  
WhereIn the hotel lobby, then who knows?
When:  Mid-afternoon, after this.
Rating: TBA
Status: incomplete


January 2010



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