June 16th, 2008

[info]fracturedtime in [info]parabolical

WHO: Hiro Nakamura (future) & Nathan Petrelli
WHAT: Hiro promised Nathan that he would explain everything to him.
WHERE: The Hyperion Hotel
WHEN: June 15th
STATUS: In Progress

Hiro had retired to the kitchen after talking with his younger self, a slight frown on his face as he pulled out few bits of leftovers out of the fridge along with a package of Ramen from the cabinets. )

[info]walks_again in [info]parabolical

who| Heidi and Nathan Petrelli
what| They've talked to just about everyone else, so now it's time to talk to eachother.
where| Hyperion Hotel
when| [BACKDATED] Shortly after this, and this.
rating| PG
status| Completed.

Heidi couldn't fix Peter, and she'd learned five months ago that she probably couldn't fix Nathan; but she could do what she'd always done, which was keep them held together. )

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]parabolical

WHO: Sarah Williams, Charlie Andrews, Rinoa Heartilly, Heidi Petrelli
WHERE: Sarah's apartment
WHEN: Thursday, June 15; evening
WHAT: Pizza and beer and distractions.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

it had been a long time since she had done anything vaguely like a girl's night )

[info]no_savior in [info]parabolical

Who: Peter, Cordelia, Nathan, and Willow
What: Intervention! Plus hide-and-seek.
Where: Hyperion; office. Then, all over.
When: Twenty-eight minutes after this
Rating: Not high. maybe PG
Status: in process

And what had the poor, defenseless coffee pot ever done to Cordelia? )

[info]knivesandreo in [info]parabolical

Who: Jo Harvelle, OPEN (seriously, open, as in anyone and everyone, feel free to make your own threads in here and interact with the other posters, it's a bar after all)
When: Night, sometime after the truth serum has made its way through the water supply (again, feel free to put whoever you want in this, I'm thinking it's a good spot for people to interact with this pesky truth thing, lol)
Where: A bar
Rating: I'm sure there will be some language

alcohol and truth serums my oh my )

[info]dawn_breaks in [info]parabolical

Who: Dawn Summers, Elle Bishop
When: Shortly after this
Where: Elle's hospital room
Rating: Should be pg-ish

loss sucks )

[info]ex_jainasolo771 in [info]parabolical

WHO: Anakin Skywalker and Jaina Solo
WHAT: Jaina is going to stay with her grandfather until this all blows over.
WHEN: Right after this.
WHERE: The Skywalker Penthouse
STATUS: In Progress

Jaina was not amused. Not even in the least. )

[info]no_savior in [info]parabolical

Who: Peter and Sarah
What: Sarah's upset, and Peter's concerned. They still can't lie.
Where: Sarah's apartment
When: immediately following this
Rating: low. Likely extremely cavity-inducing.
Status: incomplete

there was a more pressing matter: Sarah was upset. )

[info]jedi_blue in [info]parabolical

Who: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Aayla Secura...perhaps with a few bums and nuns thrown in.
What: She doesn't believe he can tell her much about why they're here but it sounded like he had something to tell her.
Where: The Shelter he's been passing out soup at.
When: Early Afternoon?
Rating: At the most a PG.
Status: in process

Bananas )

January 2010



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