Apr. 27th, 2009


WHO: Angela Petrelli & Gabriel Gray
WHAT: Angela seeks to put on old plan in motion for a better end.
WHEN: April 27th
WHERE: The Hyperion Hotel

Gabriel Gray was not nearly as mild mannered as he seemed. )

Apr. 10th, 2009


WHO: Angela Petrelli, Nathan Petrelli, & Open to other family members
WHAT: Angela Petrelli arrives. Again. With a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach.
WHERE: The Hyperion
WHEN: April 10th
STATUS: In Progress


Feb. 4th, 2009


WHO: Angela Petrelli & Adam Monroe
WHAT: Angela has things that she wants to discuss.
WHERE: MacArthur Park
WHEN: February 4th; Afternoon; Prior to Claire's disappearance
STATUS: In Progress

Either way, it was nice to get out and get some fresh air, and if she was going to die, at least she would die in a nice setting. )

Dec. 23rd, 2008


WHO: The Petrelli Family & Various Other Party Goers. Open to the Hyperion.
WHAT: Surprise! Birthday Party!
WHERE: The Hyperion; Kitchen/Dining Area
WHEN: December 23rd; Late Afternoon
STATUS: In Progress

Under normal circumstances, a Petrelli in the kitchen was a bad thing, but Angela Petrelli was actually a decent cook when she put enough effort into it and had a specific recipe to follow. )

Dec. 4th, 2008


WHO: Sarah & Peter Petrelli, their bridal party, family and close friends
WHERE: Griffith Park Observatory
WHEN: Sunday, December 4; afternoon
WHAT: Sarah has a gift for Peter; picture-taking and Claude hijinx!
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: After Peter & Sarah start their thread, we'll add in a thread for the pictures/Claude hijinx.

I fell in love, in love with you suddenly / now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms )

Dec. 3rd, 2008


WHO: Angela & Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Angela and Peter work towards so understanding.
WHEN: Not long after this [backdated]
WHERE: The Hyperion

Guilt had been gnawing at Peter ever since the outburst. He'd scared her. His own mother. )

Nov. 25th, 2008


WHO: Angela Petrelli & Gabriel Gray
WHAT: Angela goes to check up on Gabriel. Gabriel proceeds to be confused and suspicious.
WHEN: November 24th; Early Evening
WHERE: The Hyperion; Gabriel's Room

Knowledge might have been power, but it was also a heavy weight to bear when one felt that they couldn't pass it on. )

Oct. 28th, 2008


who| Nathan Petrelli and OPEN to everyone involved in Operation Birthday Office.
what| The unveiling of the office, and a good round of the warm-fuzzies for all.
when| Monday, October 27; Late Afternoon/Early Evening
where| The Hyperion; LA
rating| PG
status| Thread, Open, and Incomplete.
notes| This is alot of characters in one thread, I know, so I was thinking a good idea would be to go ahead and place, in the title of your reply, indicate if it's a direct response to Nathan's entrance (ie: 'Nathan' in the title bar), for anyone else involved(ie: 'Open' in the title bar'), or a specific character present (ie: 'Susie Sunshine' in the, you guessed it, title bar.). Alternatively, just jump in and enjoy the warm fuzzies.

Happy Birthday, Nathan Petrelli. )

Oct. 21st, 2008


WHO: Claire Bennet (future), Angela Petrelli
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Friday, October 21; coinciding with this & this
WHAT: Claire finds the not-so-secret surprise Angela left her.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

It was the bark that caught Claire's attention first )

Oct. 19th, 2008


WHO: Sarah, Peter, Nathan, Heidi, Simon, Monty, Toby, Gabriel, Angela & [OPEN LIKE AN OPEN THING, I'll add names as they show up!]
WHERE: the Hyperion; various
WHEN: Tuesday, October 18; after this
WHAT: An unintended, impromptu engagement party!
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: Pretty much a free-for-all as people trickle in! Nathan and Heidi need to at least be in the room first, but feel free to make new threads!

They were getting -married-. )

Oct. 15th, 2008


WHO: Angela Petrelli & Spike [and anyone who wants to watch a good smackdown: Nathan & Peter Petrelli, specifically]
WHAT: Spike called Angela a whore. Angela is not amused.
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: The Hyperion; Lobby
STATUS: In Progress

There wasn't a name in the book that Angela Petrelli hadn't been called. )

Oct. 14th, 2008


WHO: Angela Petrelli & OPEN
WHAT: Angela hates feeling like she doesn't have any control. But barely surviving an end of the world that you, yourself, haven't precipitated can do that to a person.
WHEN: Monday; Night
WHERE: The Hyperion
STATUS: In Progress

The Apocalypse. The word had been flung around so much as far as Angela was concerned that it truly hadn't meant much to her... )

Sep. 28th, 2008


Who: Noah Bennet, and Angela Petrelli
What: Getting some bearings
Where: Hyperion lobby
When: About noon
Rating: TBD
Status: thread ; incomplete

Since she trusted him, Bennet had some time to browse over the Hyperion's security systems before his daughter returned. )

Aug. 26th, 2008


Who: Peter, Angela, and Nathan Petrelli
What: Search and recover.
Where: The abandoned bomb shelter where she met with Pyramid Head
When: after their "fight"

If she wanted to be like that, that was fine by him. )

Aug. 25th, 2008


Who: Peter and Angela Petrelli
What: Confronting the matriarch about Hiro's suspiciously good mood.
When: shortly after this
Where: Angela's room at the Hyperion
Rating: PG for safety
Status: thread ; COMPLETE

If she was responsible, this was going too far. )

Aug. 24th, 2008


WHO: Angela Petrelli & Hiro Nakamura (Future)
WHAT: Hiro grates on Angela's nerves. Angela fixes the problem rather more effectively than is necessary.
WHERE: The Hyperion Kitchens
WHEN: Afternoon.
STATUS: Narrative log; Complete

Angela had been hoping for a quiet snack away from the chaos of the rest of the hotel. )

Aug. 18th, 2008


WHO: Claire Bennet (future), Angela Petrelli
WHERE: the Hyperion; specifically, the stairwell and then wherever Angela takes them
WHEN: during the events of this, so backdated
WHAT: An unexpected moment of bonding.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

That meant the hotel had just locked down with -Sylar- inside. )

Aug. 10th, 2008


WHO: Angela Petrelli & Peter Petrelli; Later Flagg
WHAT: Now that the lockdown is lifted, Angela is finally able to leave the Hyperion. She is grateful.
WHEN: A few days after Cordelia has been rescued.
WHERE: The Hyperion; and then LA
STATUS: In Progress

Angela slipped quietly down the stairs, hand sliding through her hair to make sure that it was all in place before stepping into the lobby, looking around slowly. )

Aug. 6th, 2008


who| Heidi Petrelli, Gabriel Gray, Angela Petrelli, [OPEN to anyone else in the lobby]
what| Holding down the fort.
where| Hyperion Hotel; Lobby
when| Evening of the Cordy!Rescue
rating| TBD
status| Thread, incomplete, and open.

Out of the fire, into the freezer. )

Jul. 17th, 2008


WHO: Angela Petrelli & Nathan Petrelli
WHAT: Angela and Nathan talk. For real this time.
WHEN: July 17th
WHERE: The Hyperion Hotel; Angela's room
STATUS: In Progress

Angela leaned down with a deep smile on her face, giving her grandsons a tight hug, one with both arm, before turning her head and pressing a quick kiss to both their cheeks, "You boys behave, all right?" Angela asked with a soft chuckle. "At least, try not to destroy anything," She said with a wink, ruffling their hair as she stood, looking at her eldest son. She really hated that Nathan felt that she had to be watched while around her grandsons, like she was going to turn into some sort of demon herself and hurt them. She had done a lot of bad things in her life, a lot of things that she regretted, but she had never gone out of her way to purposefully hurt a member of her family. Some of the things she had done may have had that side effect, but she had never hurt them intentionally. If only Nathan would understand that, if only he could know what she thought every time she looked at them, what she felt about everything that had happened, but he had made it rather clear that he had no interest in her lies or half truths. And it was honestly debatable whether he would even listen to her truths. But debatable or not, it was still worth a try.

As all of them turned to leave, Angela reached out briefly to settle a hand on Nathan's arm, looking up at him with a soft, thoughtful gaze, "Do you think we could talk?" She asked carefully. "Please?"

Jul. 5th, 2008


WHO: Sarah Williams, Angela Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, [OPEN]
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Sunday, July 3; evening [backdated]
WHAT: Hide and seek, plastic lightsaber duels and SPACEBALLS. Basically, shameless fun.
RATING: PG, if that.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

now the hunt for the two youngest Petrelli boys was on )

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Who: Angela Petrelli
What: Checking in on her youngest
Where: Hyperion Hotel; Peter's room
When: Afternoon
Rating: G
Status: Narrative

No one else was in the room. Peter had been left to rest. This was the opportunity that Angela had been hoping for. )

Jun. 22nd, 2008


WHO: Nathan and Angela Petrelli
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Wednesday, June 22; after lunch
WHAT: No ability to speak, thus no arguing!
STATUS: thread; in-progress

For a man who had spent most of his life talking for a living )

Jun. 15th, 2008


WHO: Angela Petrelli
WHAT: Angela can't talk to Nathan without it turning into a fight, but that doesn't prevent her from reaching out.
WHEN: After this & During this
WHERE: The Hyperion Hotel
STATUS: Complete Narrative

Since Peter had been visiting her, Angela had felt a little more strength to engage and interact than she had been. )


WHO: Angela & Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Angela hasn't been eating. Peter brings her dinner.
WHERE: The Hyperion Hotel
STATUS: Complete

He hadn't wanted to do this. )

Jun. 8th, 2008


WHO: Angela & Nathan Petrelli; later Cordelia Chase
WHAT: Late night snack and an opportunity that Angela is unwilling to pass up.
WHERE: The Hyperion Kitchens
WHEN: June 8th; Some time after midnight and before dawn
STATUS: In Progress

Angela wasn't sure what time it was. )

Jun. 3rd, 2008


WHO: Angela, Nathan, & Peter (future) Petrelli.
WHAT: Angela arrives in LA with her typical timing. Luckily, her boys are out on patrol.
WHERE: The LA streets
WHEN: June 3rd; Evening
STATUS: In Progress

Angela Petrelli had turned off her television and hung up the phone, setting both the phone and remote away from her as she raised her hands and covered her face. )

January 2010




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