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Sep. 3rd, 2013


Duets: a glee redo rpg






Cast List
Player List
Friends Button

Most Needed Characters

Finn Hudson
Ryder Lynn
Brittany Pierce
Kitty Wilde
Mercedes Jones
Artie Abrams
Sam Evans
Dave Karofsky
Sebastian Smythe
Jake Puckerman
Do you like glee? Do you love the characters? Are you invested in what Rachel's going to be singing? Do you care if Kurt gets a boyfriend? Do you like watching people come together and learn and grow?

Do you think they messed up a lot of the storylines? Do you think Finchel's great but they moved too fast? Do you think Blaine never would have cheated on Kurt?

Then this is the game for you. We will spend a month on three episodes at a time, and we'll do things the way we think they should have been done. Change things, add new things, do things the same. It doesn't matter.

Duets is an AU game with the option to be canon compliant. Ships up to the player, no set endgames. Original characters welcome. Canons first come, first served.

This is glee the way it was meant to be.

GAME BEGAn ON MAY 1ST 2013. Join today>>>>>


Aug. 30th, 2013




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A Panfandom AU Game

Cast List
Contact Players
There was once a series of connected Universes known as 'The Multiverse'. The Goddess of Chaos looked after these Universes, and for several thousands of years, everything seemed to be running smoothly. Until that day, the day that Chaos made a mistake. Echoing across time and space came a word, one that was profound but which no one would remember. That word was: "Oops."

In a paniced attempt to fix her mistake, she crashed the entirety of the Multiverse into Earth, merging it into the 'between places'. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan! Most people didn't even notice.

Unfortunately for your character, it is three months later and they are amongst several other people who are starting to notice.

But it gets better! It seems like some of the lines between reality and these other universes are unraveling entirely. "Oops", as these brave characters are going to discover, really doesn't begin to cover it.

Pathways RPG is a new game opening its doors on September 07! Characters in the game start off as 'normal' people living a 'normal' life and will slowly recover their canon memories and powers as they interact with the hundreds of universes that got crashed into Earth. Sound like fun? Come and join us!

Aug. 22nd, 2013




MODS  •  NET  •  LOG  •  COMM  •  OOC

A Panfandom AU Game

Cast List
Contact Players
There was once a series of connected Universes known as 'The Multiverse'. The Goddess of Chaos looked after these Universes, and for several thousands of years, everything seemed to be running smoothly. Until that day, the day that Chaos made a mistake. Echoing across time and space came a word, one that was profound but which no one would remember. That word was: "Oops."

In a paniced attempt to fix her mistake, she crashed the entirety of the Multiverse into Earth, merging it into the 'between places'. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan! Most people didn't even notice.

Unfortunately for your character, it is three months later and they are amongst several other people who are starting to notice.

But it gets better! It seems like some of the lines between reality and these other universes are unraveling entirely. "Oops", as these brave characters are going to discover, really doesn't begin to cover it.

Pathways RPG is a new game opening its doors on September 07! Characters in the game start off as 'normal' people living a 'normal' life and will slowly recover their canon memories and powers as they interact with the hundreds of universes that got crashed into Earth. Sound like fun? Come and join us!

Aug. 20th, 2013


The Sun Never Sets: A Harry Potter Staff RPG

    A Harry Potter Hogwarts Staff RPG

First-years on the lake, class of 1903

Mod Journal
Cast List
Daily Life

Begins 1st Sep.
The year is 1904. The second industrial revolution is sweeping the Muggle world, and machines are accomplishing feats only wizards could once perform. Goblins have control of Gringotts, centaurs are plotting assassinations, and vampire hunts are in full force. Colonists are returning from the Far East, Africa, Arabia, Oceania, and the Americas with new ideas and foreign magics. Muggle populations are expanding into wizarding areas, and more Muggleborns than ever are attending wizarding schools.

It is up to you, as a professor at Hogwarts, to decide which changes to embrace, and which might endanger the magical world.

Aug. 16th, 2013



If you had one opportunity to change fate...

For three years, Rita Skeeter ruled over a village that existed outside of time and space. People of all ages & from across hundreds of years somehow co-existed while enduring her various torments. One day Order Members, Death Eaters, Hogwarts Founders, Ministry members, DA Members & ordinary wizards rose up against her. Rita died while George Weasley found the spell ledgers Skeeter used to create and bind the village to her. Without Rita's magic, the village would soon crumble out of existence. Knowing that the lives of his family and friends hung in the balance, George chose to create a new village through binding it to his magic.

George isn't entirely sure what he's doing most of the time so mistakes affect villagers as often as success does. But one thing is for certain: George might be a joker, but he's not cruel. Those who come fresh to Fourteen Shades will never know the difference, but those who remember the days before George Weasley took over can rest assured that this time won't be anything like the last.

...would you capture it or let it slip?

Fourteen Shades is an established & friendly game run by dedicated mods. If you are looking for a game that is not going to close its doors any time soon, check us out! The nature of the game allows brand new players and characters to acclimate quickly and easily. With 20+ dynamic players writing over ninety active characters, posts get replies while giving characters of varying canon backgrounds a chance to shine. Game wide plots are run often and give different characters chances at major roles each time. Check out [info]fourteenshades to get a small sample of the sort of plots and players we have on board.

Several POPULAR names are open! We are running a massive game changing plot throughout the month so now is the time to apply!


Aug. 15th, 2013




MODS  •  NET  •  LOG  •  COMM  •  OOC

A Panfandom AU Game

Cast List
Contact Players
There was once a series of connected Universes known as 'The Multiverse'. The Goddess of Chaos looked after these Universes, and for several thousands of years, everything seemed to be running smoothly. Until that day, the day that Chaos made a mistake. Echoing across time and space came a word, one that was profound but which no one would remember. That word was: "Oops."

In a paniced attempt to fix her mistake, she crashed the entirety of the Multiverse into Earth, merging it into the 'between places'. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan! Most people didn't even notice.

Unfortunately for your character, it is three months later and they are amongst several other people who are starting to notice.

But it gets better! It seems like some of the lines between reality and these other universes are unraveling entirely. "Oops", as these brave characters are going to discover, really doesn't begin to cover it.

Pathways RPG is a new game opening its doors on September 07! Characters in the game start off as 'normal' people living a 'normal' life and will slowly recover their canon memories and powers as they interact with the hundreds of universes that got crashed into Earth. Sound like fun? Come and join us!


Failed Attempts - HP Multi Gen Displacement Game



There exists in a place outside of space and time, a land of pure magic. The magic of this world can be utilized and bent but it's will not broken by those who chose to occupy it. The magic has a will of it's own and while it can be harnessed can never truly be controlled.

Failed Attempts is a multi-gen displacement HP game. The game is set in a magical village, which exists outside of the world as the characters know it, yet has some eerily similar sights. The residents there must learn to tolerate one another and work together to make life work in this strange and unpredictable world. We welcome all kinds of lines, dark and otherwise.

Presently we are looking to expand our user base, to bring in a lot of new blood and fresh new story lines. Our application is simple and straight forward, and is reviewed by the members of the community. Everyone here at Failed Attempts gets their say in upcoming plots and we strive to accommodate players as much as possible.

ON GOING PLOTS!: We know this is a busy time of year and it's hard to stay motivated to post. Well no worries! We have a schedule of fun mini plots to keep our community busy until things settle down. Our next big game wide plot is scheduled for September 19th, and will be filled with many surprises, twists, and secrets!

If you're looking for a friendly community full of enthusiastic players and characters, then this is the game for you. Our emphasis is on character development and building a sense of community for our player base.

Sound like the game for you? Then come on over and place a hold. We'd love to have you!

WANTED: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Cygnus Black, Nott Sr, Caradoc Dearborn, Alphard Black, Scorpius Malfoy, James Sirius Potter, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald and more. Please check out our wanted section for lines wishing to be filled.



Aug. 11th, 2013




premise rules & faq taken reserved apply wanted
locations contact drop box
mods beacon hills beacon hills network beacon hills ooc

Jul. 31st, 2013


Wished Away RPG

[info]wished_away_rpg [info]wished_away_ooc [info]wished_away_net [info]wished_away_mod

Panfandom rp, original characters welcome.

|Premise| |FAQ| |Rules| |Cast| |Holds| |Wanted Characters| |Apply| |MORE...

There are a multitude of wishes in countless worlds, all of them shooting stars of soul desires. Magic is most powerful when it has passion behind it. Whether voiced aloud or echoing silently within, some wishes are found by the magic like a siren call of infinity between the stars.

I wish I was elsewhither this power hears without ears, understands without a heart and it grants the desire, the moment of weakness or introspection or distraction. It chants the magic unheard which takes you from your world:

  I wish you elsewhither, I wish you here,
  called forth by that which you desire
  in this our shared yearning hour.

This land called Enchantia would be fantasy elsewhither but here be scrolls of magic, trolls on bridges, and enchantments like stitches on the tapestry of your quest.

Which will prove stronger, the magic that has gripped the humans of Enchantia in stoney sleep or the magic that seeks to release Enchantians and wishers alike?

Jul. 16th, 2013


A Multi Fandom HP AU!

Carpe Noctem

Seize the Night.

For years terror and death plagued the United States. A legion of dark wizards, aligned to the most evil of witches wreaked havoc on their world. Sadistic and ruthless, they ruled the Wizarding community with an iron fist and even struck fear into the hearts of some Muggles. A valiant fight from brave witches and wizards brought about her end but some wait in the shadows for her return.

Ten years later, the death of Lady Nyx and the imprisonment and vanishing of many of her followers is but a history lesson to the students of Hogwarts. The world is finally at peace and a new set of students venture through those hallowed halls. A new group of students have enters Hogwarts, new cliques, new relationships and of course, new drama. Can they keep it together long enough to survive, not to mention the oncoming darkness drawing ever closer?

Will you seize the night? Apply for a wizard or witch and enter the world of wizards, witches, spells and songs. Original characters are welcome and encouraged. The game started May 16, 2012. There are no holds on played bys, so get in those applications!

The game started out as a Glee AU but now has changed it to a multi fandom game.

Game has started. APPLY TODAY.

Noctem Mods | Noctem RP | Noctem OOC

Application/Available | Characters | Rules | FAQs | Useful Info | Classes/Schedules
Groups/Clubs | House Points | Calendar | Members | Suggestions | Friends Button | Tags

Jul. 9th, 2013


New Alliance: A Marvel/DC Comic Amalgam




Character Directory

The Game
New Alliance is a world where the DC and Marvel Universes have always coexisted, perfectly intermingled. Their characters have either known each other before, or will meet in the future, as naturally as in any other game. Characters may be related, have gone to school together, or have any sort of history their players agree upon. This is not the Marvel Universe, nor the DC Universe – it is our own: the New Alliance Universe.

Most Wanted List:
Barry Allen
Ben Grimm
Dick Grayson
Dr. Midnight
Dr. Strange
Hal Jordan
Hank McCoy
Hank Pym
Harley Quinn
Harvey Dent
James “Rhodey” Rhodes
Jean Grey
Luke Cage
Madame Xanadu
Nick Fury
Reed Richards
Remy LeBeau
Scott Summers
Sharon Carter
Slade Wilson
Talia al Ghul
Ted Grant
Wade Wilson
More teens and persons-of-x in general


Mystic Pandemonium

Giant Ad under the cut, contains everything you could want to know! )

That said, fair warning, the players (and mods) are known for high crack, high drama, high adult content. There will be sex,murder, intrigue, etc and so on. We don't put limits on plotlines as that defeats the point of writing, so be sure you're ready to get involved in chaos before applying.

We currently accept three version of each character: Canon, Alternate Universe (AU) and Previous Game (PG) so jump in!

Current Plot: Zombies!

Jul. 7th, 2013


Wish Granted RP

I wish I was somewhere else, anywhere else. . . .

There are a multitude of wishes in countless worlds, all of them shooting stars of soul desires. Magic is most powerful when it has passion behind it. Whether voiced aloud or echoing silently within, some wishes are found by the magic like a siren call of infinity between the stars.

I wish I was elsewhither this power hears without ears, understands without a heart and it grants the desire, the moment of weakness or introspection or distraction. It chants the magic unheard which takes you from your world:

I wish you elsewhither, I wish you here,
called forth by that which you desire
in this our shared yearning hour.
Thus whisked away to a land where the people have been silenced by a curse gone wrong -- the unwitting wisher soon realises they are the wish the world of Enchantia has made.

This land would be fantasy elsewhither but here be scrolls of magic, trolls on bridges, and enchantments like stitches on the tapestry of your quest.

Which will prove stronger, the magic that has gripped the humans of Enchantia in stoney sleep or the magic that hopes, that seeks to release Enchantians and wishers alike?


  • Panfandom rp, original characters welcome
  • Fandoms are not limited but we have special requests for
    • Legend of the Seeker/Sword of Truth (Novels): Richard Cypher, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander, Cara Mason are wanted by Kahlan Amnell
    • Harry Potter: Colin Creevey is requested by his best friend Chris Stebbins
    • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Jason Scott sought by Kimberly Ann Hart
    • Game of Thrones: anyone except Tyrion and Jaime Lannister, Arya Stark and Jon Snow.

FAQ | Rules | Cast | Holds | Apply | MORE...

Jun. 29th, 2013


The Last Station

The Last Station: A Post-War Rebuilding Game
All's well that ends well. Right?

May 2, 2005. On the seven-year anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, Minister Shacklebolt announces the Ministry of Magic’s intention to begin an experimental live/work community in Hogsmeade Village. For the first time since the Second War, halfbloods, Muggleborns, and purebloods are to reside in complete cooperation and harmony.

Wanted Concepts

The game has just been created, so it's a great big blank slate!

Character Wish Lists:

  • Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins
  • Older Individuals

    Suggested Lines and Concepts:
  • BFFs
  • Minor Rivals
  • Competing Businesses
  • Enthusiastic Quidditch Supporters
  • Curmudgeons
  • Links


    Jun. 19th, 2013


    New Alliance: A Marvel/DC Comic Amalgam




    Character Directory

    The Game
    New Alliance is a world where the DC and Marvel Universes have always coexisted, perfectly intermingled. Their characters have either known each other before, or will meet in the future, as naturally as in any other game. Characters may be related, have gone to school together, or have any sort of history their players agree upon. This is not the Marvel Universe, nor the DC Universe – it is our own: the New Alliance Universe.

    Most Wanted List:
    Barry Allen
    Ben Grimm
    Dick Grayson
    Dr. Midnight
    Dr. Strange
    Hal Jordan
    Hank McCoy
    Hank Pym
    Harley Quinn
    Harvey Dent
    James “Rhodey” Rhodes
    Janet van Dyne
    Jean Grey
    Luke Cage
    Madame Xanadu
    Matt Murdock
    Nick Fury
    Reed Richards
    Remy LeBeau
    Scott Summers
    Sharon Carter
    Slade Wilson
    Talia al Ghul
    Ted Grant
    Wade Wilson
    Winter Soldier
    More teens and persons-of-x in general

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