Jun. 10th, 2013


Back from the Dead??

Wow. It has been...a really long time since I've done anything here. School and interpersonal stuff just ate away at my time and energy until I just stopped logging on here, I guess. I still have next to no viable muse, but I still wanted to stop in and see how things have been. How are y'all doing? Anything.new in Nevermore and/or the IRL world?

Apr. 3rd, 2013


Ohai There

Hey guys. Just wanted to make a post here and say that I might have semi-regular periods of not responding to things from here on in - it's track/field season and AP review times, and most days I wind up getting home from school/work/everything and dissolving into a puddle of mush. So if I take a while to get back to you, please just give me a day or so and I'll respond asap. c:

With that in mind - because I never know when to just stop and give myself a break - I'm cooking up that research-project plot that I've previously mentioned, so if anyone's interested in having their character(s) work with Higher Education to uncover how and why the gods are what they are, just post here! Any suggestions are welcome.

Mar. 24th, 2013


two quick little things...

ONE: You guys remember how in American Gods le novel, Shadow described seeing one of the characters (I can't remember who, maybe Shiva) in multiple forms? You know, x god looked like their normal, human form, but then he thought he saw something monstrous, and than a more humanoid yet still not-human form? I'm just wondering what you picture your characters' "god forms" as looking like. With characters like Quetzalcoatl and the Jersey Devil, it's a little easier to imagine what they're like when not human, but with characters like Greed, Facebook, etc. it's not as clear-cut. What do they look like when the humanity comes off?

TWO: I know that things are kind of sandbox-y with regards to plot, but IC (as Higher Education) I'm going to be doing research on what the gods are, as in how they work and how exactly they exist in the world. I don't want to just pull stuff out of my GI tract and Wikipedia, so if you have any theories, I'd love to hear them. :)

Feb. 27th, 2013


Spring Break!

This is kind of early, and I haven't been online much, but...welp. It's going to be spring break in a few weeks! I'm going by NYIT and Colombia's schedules here, as well as my school's planned off days, and I have some ideas in mind for things I'd like to do with my character Higher Education - because, really, why even make a character who's the god of college if you're not going to do something for spring break? Exactly.

In all seriousness (and frankness) it's just a bunch of self-indulgent putzing around that I'd like to involve other people with, but it's LISEF and financial aid application and AP season and sshhhhhh just forget I've been MIA pretty much constantly since I started roleplaying here, please. >__> Anyone interested in maybe roleplaying spring break stuff?

Jan. 9th, 2013



Hey everyone. My name is Olo and I'm brand new to this group, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes I make while figuring out how to navigate this website. (I'm not the best mind when it comes to computer and website stuff, unfortunately.) I'm a prospective bio education major with an interest in psychology and speculative/transgressive fiction, and I hope to one day study neurotheology (think neuroscience plus religious studies - it's a pretty awesome field, if not that profitable). I'm currently reading through American Gods and the Gone series by Michael Grant, which is...an odd combination, but a pleasant one. I'm also scrolling back through past stuff on here to figure out what's been going on as of late in the world of the RP, if that's okay. c:

I'm going to be playing the New God Higher Education on here - he's a nice enough character, if more than a little overachieving. You can find his profile here: http://sumacumlaude.insanejournal.com/1264.html If you'd like to contact me, please do so at autotuneyourface@aol.com or Olo_Doorbell (my Skype name).

I'm really looking forward to roleplaying on here - everyone's characters look so cool. :D