October 21st, 2020

[info]forgr8justice in [info]nevermore_ooc

Since Nerd is actually doing something I thought I would give a little refresher about the various aspects of Nerd Gods. The original bio is here but I wrote it EIGHT YEARS AGO good god. And the Ray aspect didn't even exist yet.

There are actually three gods which compromise 'Nerd', Ben (formerly Joss), Serenity and Ray.

Ben: Ben is the easy-going, laid back, cool aspect of nerd. He writes for Cracked now he writes for Buzzfeed and organises conventions and is much more into the movies and tv shows. He is friendly and non-threatening, one of those people you could chill out and have a beer with. He's the more progressive side of nerd, down with sexism, yay for equality, let's stop whitewashing things, anti racism, Black Panther and Captain Marvel were the best Marvel movies etc. He is married to Maddie Kemp and has two daughters with her, Diana and Carrie. PB: Wil Wheaton

Serenity: Serenity is MUCH less interested in humans. She's a hardcore gamer, and sometimes when a new game is out she can be found playing it for days on end, forgetting to sleep or eat, but it's belief doing it to her so she doesn't even notice. She's still a nice person, she just hates large crowds and is much more at home hanging out with people online doing co-op. She is probably OBSESSED with Among Us right now. She says Fuck Gamergate. PB: Felicia Day usually, but she can also look like Michelle Rodriquez when she wants to be less bubbly.

Ray: Ray showed up around 2014 and he is the toxic side of Nerd. He is about an inch away from being an incel. He lives in Ben and Serenity's basement even though they hate him, only so he isn't inflicted on other people. He is sexist, racist, and doesn't understand why every movie has to have a gay character, UGH. He is every toxic Star Wars/Star Trek/Ghostbusters (etc) fan you have ever met. He spends most of his time on Reddit, bitching about 'females' and affirmative action and and and and and he's a fucking douche. Would have a Blue Lives Matter t-shirt. Is 110% going to vote for Trump PB: Jim Parsons