October 9th, 2020

[info]spinningfate in [info]nevermore_ooc

Jess here bringing in the Moirae, better known as the Fates! Greek goddesses of destiny, they govern the threads of all mortal and immortal lives, Clotho spinning each one into existence, Lachesis measuring and Atropos cutting them short at the time of death. They own a second-hand shop in Brooklyn filled with all sorts of curios; it's the kind of place where you're more likely than not to make a fortuitous discovery you weren't even looking for.

(PS, Clotho has a daughter and possibly an adult grandchild out in the world that she's never met, if the idea of a prophetic demigod character tickles anyone's fancy!)

Edit - details, for the interested! Clotho had a daughter in 1973, during the period she was estranged from Lachesis and Atropos. She panicked and gave the child up for adoption at birth, and she's never so much as seen her since, though she knows the shape of her life-thread intimately. (So do the other two Fates, though she's never spoken about it with them.) The daughter (now aged 47, potentially with a child aged early 20s) doesn't know about her divine parentage, though she and her child have inherited a talent for prophecy that might lead them to cross paths with godly types in the future (i.e. if anyone feels like playing them!).