[Action | Closed to specific households]
04 September 2010 at 10:05 am
[Fou-Lu | Backdated to mid-afternoon]

[It'd been a while since she's seen Fou-Lu and while she could have certainly called to catch-up, a house visit was just that much nicer! So after the school meeting, Jennifer decided to do just that. Make a house-call. To Fou-Lu! Is anyone home? Knocking on the door~]

((ooc: Fou-Lu household members, threadjack allowed with permission))


[Jennifer's house: Closed to Hiling, EVE and WALL-E | mid-evening]

[Jennifer had been busy, sure, but she could always make time for a dinner party! She was actually looking forward to getting to know Hiling better and that EVE was finally coming over to experience the wonder of food preparation was a special, unexpected treat! She really hoped everything went well tonight.]

((ooc: Jennifer Household welcomed to threadjack into dinner, but for expediency sake, I'll assume those are 2-way conversations with whomever is threadjacked unless specifically requested otherwise.))

((Note: I'm on the way to relatives for the day, but I'll be back later tonight and will be on for as long as my battery allows in the meantime!))
[Event | Beach Party!]
22 July 2010 at 03:43 pm
[The beach has been taken over by festivities! Amongst the plethora of buckets and shovels for the sandcastle competition, the snorkeling gear, and the beach volleyball setup, Cain and Jennifer have worked hard to get everything set up and ready to go in time for the guests to arrive.]

[Fortunately, the food was acquired earlier in the day, and so there is plenty to eat--burgers, bratwurst, fish, grilled vegetables, and an unfamiliar but tasty-looking steak that, if questioned, Cain will cheerfully explain is from grox, a "domesticated" giant lizard from his time.]

[But there are also snacks like chips and pretzels, along with a small variety of sides like potato salad and bread. Further down the table are the cold (non-alcoholic) drinks, complete with ice, and a few desserts. They are all set to go on a buffet-style table not too far from the grill, dutifully replenished by Jennifer.]

((OOC: Event-style post! Threadjack as you please. Party crashers may or may not be tolerated depending on how much Saya gets to eat before their arrival.))
[Video - Open]
20 July 2010 at 05:43 am
[Toothless is bored. He's been here long enough that he's pretty much explored everything. He knows by now not to mess with the very big fish (aka the dolphins), for they are not for eating, and to leave all the small animals, also not for eating, alone. So now he's trying to see if anyone else wants to play that one game he played a few days ago.]

I want to play the baseball game! Where can I find someone throwing the ball?

[He still thinks that baseball is, more or less, fetch. Throw the ball, bring it back, repeat. It has something to do with teams and going home but he doesn't understand that part. This place isn't home. It's under the water! How can they run home?]
[action] [closed]
16 July 2010 at 06:07 pm
Early evening (closed to Suzaku, Lelouch, Minako, and WALL-E)

[ The honest truth is that Suzaku has no real idea what to expect when Minako calls him up -- sure, she did suggest a dinner date tonight, and he had thought then that she might be planning something, but he's already made his own plans too -- and stealing away to do some fishing with Lelouch and his birthday present is totally date enough, right?

But Minako is excited when she calls, and that makes him feel kind of excited in turn. And okay -- maybe a little nervous, too, but not because he doesn't trust her. If he didn't trust her, after all, he never would have told her about any of this. ]
[Action | Open]
09 July 2010 at 12:21 am
[The Marina Asylum Post Office is... not officially open yet! However, a parcel mistress' work goes beyond what is dictated by infrastructure and procedures. For you see, she has a critical and time-sensitive job today, one that cannot wait for the official launch of her service, or for the precise time she will soon run her regular routes.]

[Course catalogues.]

[The white-carapaced mail lady carries with her a canvas mail bag full of the little program-sized books, a hand full of recipient addresses, and an endless will to deliver the mail. She is in her element, moving quickly and efficiently with a spring in her step as she approaches houses, apartments, and shelter rooms alike.]

[If you ordered one, you will have it today! If not, bothering her might also earn you one. They are not individually labeled, and she has extras.]

[Of course, bothering her for other reasons is fine, too.]
09 June 2010 at 08:34 pm
[WALL-E is parked in the middle of Sector 4 with his solar panels out. Puttering around and rearranging his collection made him lose track of how low his batteries were getting until the last second, so he's CHARGING HIS LAZER recharging!]
[Action, Open]
18 May 2010 at 04:30 pm

[Sakamoto's cheeks are red and his aimless, not entirely in one direction, walk is back again. Earlier that morning, after realizing that everyone was healed and that things were alright, he had downed as much alcohol as possible in order to get himself drunk again. This was probably the longest stretch of days that he had gone being sober... Ever, really. But now that the ordeal was over, he could go back to being silly and reckless and happy!

....And then he bumped into a wall.

Ohp! Did that really happen? I didn't feel it! I guess I'm drunk again, ahahaha!

[But a grin spreads over his face and he pumps a fist in the air- He's just so relieved that everybody's alright again! But he wanted everyone else to be just as happy as he was- So he decided that the best thing to do would be to spread his cheer to everyone else by giving them hugs! It didn't exactly occur to him that some people weren't very fond of those...]

((OOC note: Hey everyone! In this post, Sakamoto will be giving hugs to every character he runs into! We need so some super happy spectacular cheer after that emotastic event.))
18 May 2010 at 08:37 am
[So, Mami's finally out of the hospital and back to her farm. Yaaaaaaay! Even more yay is-- the veggies are all grown now!

...To the point that it is time to give some to others! So, she flicks on the voice thingy and starts talkin'.]

If anyone wants lettuce, radishes, or cucumbers - the ones at m' farm in Sector Five are all grown now, and I'd be happy t' give some out!
Chord 001: [Voice]
04 May 2010 at 10:21 am
[The audio feed begins with the voice of a young girl seemingly responding aloud to the message she first reads from the communicator.]

-- eh? Criminal?...

B-b-b-but I didn't do anything!!

[She pauses, reading through the message again.]


[Another moment's silence, as she looks about; the environment certainly doesn't look like it's underwater, after all.]

... But it doesn't look like I'm underwater at all... Strange...

[well. someone clearly hasn't been reading in detail.]
[video | open!]
03 May 2010 at 05:44 pm
...Ooooooo! [The voice is a bit garbled, and then there's hysterical giggling followed by the video turning on and off and on and off while GIR fiddles with the shiny new trinket on his face. Finally he leaves it on and is clearly pleased with this discovery.]

...I'M ON T.V.! I'M ON T.V.!!

[More giggling and clanking since he's busy running around in a circle and then everything abruptly stops.] Maaaaaster? Master? Oh, Maaaaster. Where'd you go? IT'S TIME TO MAKE BISCUITS! Let's make biscuits~

...[Gasp] THERE'S BABY MONGOOSE! [The video shows various pets outside the pet cafe and immediately GIR runs up to them, not caring about the ball and chain attached to his robo-foot, arms flailing before he decides to snatch a kitten...and store it in his head.] Aw. It likes me.
[video / open!]
03 May 2010 at 06:06 pm
[The communicator clatters to the ground, turning on the video feed, and there's a startled sound from the girl it came with, "Ah!" She scrambles a little to pick it up, and the video turns on her. Some of you may recognize Orihime: she's a little worse for the wear, slightly bloodied, some of her white clothing torn, eyes still red from tears. But her expression is serious.]

If this is some sort of illusion, please stop it! Ishida-kun needs my help right away.

I-- I'm not going to play games with you.
[Action - OPEN] Yuuki and Yuuri's Super Awesome Party!
16 April 2010 at 06:11 pm

[Set up at the beach there's a contained bonfire, and tables full of food. Around the area there are several grills set up for if people decide they want to make things to their particular liking. There are even a few watermelon! It can't be considered a beach party without a watermelon to break among friends. Games have been set up. There are volleyball nets so that people can participate in a friendly game, and a couple of beach balls. Prizes are set off to the side for those who would like to compete in sand castle designs or the games themselves, and there are goggles and underwater equipment for water polo and other festivities.

Come, eat a piece of cake, grill yourself a steak, swim, sing, dance, limbo, mingle, troll, build sandcastles and have fun!]

[OOC: Yuuki and Yuuri's party to cheer themselves up. They don't know who's all coming. You're free to have your character just show up and do whatever you like. The kids just want to have fun! 7:00 because one is a night owl. lol. Feel free to thread-jack and play!]
[action / event / *PLAY BALL* ]
24 March 2010 at 08:50 pm
...and I'm going to assume that a wolf running off with the ball is a home run! Wow, no one is seeing that ball again anytime soon.

Uh, okay, then that means the Flying Knights win, with a narrow but rousing victory of 12 to 11! We saw a lot of amazing work out there today, you guys, from EVE's meteoric home run in the third to Suzaku's wall-dashing spin-catch at the top of the eighth! And just think -- next time Ryu will know what direction to run in, so we can expect even better things.

Anyway! Everyone give our players a round of applause, and our cheerleaders, how about those lovely girls and guy! They really know how to bring the spirit to the field, and the skirts look great on you. All of you. Especially you...... [a long, significant pause] ...Josak.

Hahaha, I've been Gino Weinberg, and this has been your first -- of hopefully many -- big game of the Marina baseball league. See you guys later!

((OOC: Remember that plotting we did? Here it is! Now, tag under whichever section header(s) suits you, and enjoy! If you have questions, ask them on the OOC post. Here is the Roster for reference.))
[Action | Closed]
07 March 2010 at 10:04 pm
[His breath--shallow, his footsteps--measured, his mask--slipped into place. Hei cracked open a door, peering into the silent confines of the convenience store. He had already taken advantage of the erratic behavior of the drones to search the storage rooms for what he needed, but he was still missing a handful of items to fully rearm himself. Even so, the cold press of a blade against his arm was a welcome weight, even if it was a poor substitute for his custom made throwing knives.

It was quiet, but Hei took no satisfaction from a well planned foray. There were still many things that could go wrong. Stretching his senses, he slipped into the room and made his way to the corner where WALL-E had made his nest of pilfered items. It was unfortunate for the robot, but WALL-E was too good at foraging. Hei had no intention of leaving witnesses behind.]
[voice, action || open]
26 February 2010 at 05:59 pm
[Not bothering to filter this.] Hey, Reira, was it? Thanks for the clothes. I stopped by and picked up a few of my own so I can drop these off for you later. Sound cool?

Kinda funny that you can just take things without paying in a prison.

[In the background there's the sound of clanking while she looks through the convenience store for tools--preferably a big drill--she can use to potentially take things apart with. And anyone walking by will see her dressed in this while she searches the shelves. So the skirt is a bit much, but she's comfortable in it.]

...So, just a random question. [Because she needs something to remind her of home.]

If you could transform into any bit of technology, like, I don't know, a cell phone or a toaster, even, what would it be and why?
[anonymous note]
24 February 2010 at 10:56 am
[In the shelter, in the hallway between the dining hall and the common room, you may notice a notecard on a board. Paper and different-colored pens are available.

In a neat, slanted print, the notecard reads:]

What does it mean to be in love?

[There is no one around.]

((Since these are notes, almost all communication will be anonymous unless otherwise noted, e.g. if you sign your comment or say something obvious, but please do it logged-in. Feel free to leave your thoughts, respond to other people's thoughts, etc.))
[action] Event: Valentine's Auction
19 February 2010 at 03:05 pm
[A podium and stage, decorated with pink and red, has been set up outside the shelter. Here's where the action happens...!]

[Everyone who wants to RP out their auction should make a comment here, describing what they're wearing and how they're feeling/acting in the comment. Don't say anything. You may optionally add context relative to the timing of the bidding, like mention that he's impatient for character X to go up, or is weirded out because character Y just bought someone else and she was supposed to buy him, or is anxious because she's the first one up there, etc.

[Then Minako responds with patter commentary, attempting to sell your character based on what she knows/has been told. She will put [Bidding] in the subject line. Respond to Minako's comments to bid. Just like in a real auction, the bid that is the highest or the fastest will be the one accepted!

[Please go up in increments of no more than 300 sentis at a time, and remember that 1500 sentis is a reasonable price for a date. Indicate in bold in brackets if you have OOC plans, like, "[He was confident he would win]" or "[She was starting to worry she didn't have enough cash]" or "[The thought of losing didn't even cross his mind]". It is common courtesy not to interfere with established plans; if you want to do something else, talk to the mun whose intentions interfere with yours.

[But try not to choreograph things too extensively. You have the right to decide what you want to happen to your character, but it's fun to let these things be spontaneous, and you don't have the right to tell other people their characters aren't allowed to do something IC just because it interferes with your extensively scripted plans.

[Minako will declare the winner of each auction, largely at her discretion, and then the bidding will be over.

[People may also start their own threads off the original comment with the biddee with subject lines like [Before the Bidding] or [After the Bidding] to interact with the person up for auction. Try not to do post-bidding threads until after the bidding is concluded -- for obvious reasons!]
[VOLUNTEER IC; fear the tl;dr - voice/video]
17 February 2010 at 06:33 pm
[a rustle, a snap then-] HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!~ [the sparkles may not be your imagination and Minako beams into the camera]

Hey everyone!~ As all you cuties might very well know, and if you don't well now you do, today is the date auction! Sentience has given me and C.C. the authority to run this fantastical event and - of course - what's a fantastical event without some fantastical people to be there?

IN OTHER WORDS - [whips out a rather formidable LIST and waves it just long enough for you to glimpse at some of the names already written.] It's sign up time! Everyone who would like to be biddee please respond to this message, and your name will be added to the list.

Remember, for those who sign up there are some requirements. 1! You must come in costume or dress or something just very pretty. 2! Biddees are allowed to become bidders if they so choose to. 3! THE DATE MUST BE DONE.

[and here she gives a rather devious smile]
Those on the list that are...less than enthused will get a friendly nudge from our very own captain of the defense force, Gino Weinberg~ And of course, anyone who would like to...volunteer others are welcome to do so! The event will be announced by Sentience later today!

Hope to see everyone there!~

[ voice ][ open ]
06 February 2010 at 04:00 pm
Okay, so... I've been thinking.

[ pause ] Oh, if you're a kid, you probably shouldn't listen to this. I have no idea how many of you are out there, but Fletcher, Xion, and you other kids, this means you, okay?

I think we should come up with a way to convince Sentience to let us have sex.

I know we have some smart people here, I'm sure we can figure something out.
[video/action I open]
29 January 2010 at 04:12 pm
[WALL-E has used double-stick tape to attach a pair of blue ears to his "eyebrows." He switches on the video and points to them proudly.]

EVE-ah! Ta-daaah!

[He reaches out of sight and then holds up a pair of white ears. They're for you, EVE!]


[If any of you wondered what happened to your ears after you lost them....now you know.]