Action/Open {DATE THREAD}
05 March 2010 at 04:54 pm
[The bar seems to be as noisy as ever. At least that was the same. A very tall, dark-haired man is loitering just inside the building, standing with his arms crossed and a rather unenthused expression on his face. Rather than his typical ninja outfit or casual wear, Kurogane is wearing an attempt at “formal,” with a black dress shirt and black pants. It’s not much different from how he normally looks, but he’s uncomfortable in it anyway. There’s a gleam of silver from one of the overhead lights reflecting off of the metal of his left hand.]

Where the hell is he? [he grumps to himself, thinking of the pirate he had been living with since that stupid incident that turned him into a child. It was more convenient than anything, really, and he never got around to leaving.

If Kid made the ninja feel like a fool on that auction stage just so he could further embarrass him at the bar tonight though, he was getting his ass kicked!! v___v Show up on time, dammit.]

((ooc: Just a note, I'm outta town and will be back to reply either around 1am EST or tomorrow!))
24 February 2010 at 09:54 pm
[The video appears, revealing what appears to be a young man - or woman (it's rather hard to tell, actually), with long back hair, adorned in jewels and an outfit clearly designed to emulate flames. Golden eyes peer into the screen with a mixture of confusion, amusement, and quiet sereness. As for where he is? It seems he's sitting down in what looks like some sort of park area beneath the shade of a tree.]

You’ll have to forgive me if this is an inappropriate means of communication, but I’m unsure how to work these devices. 

All the same, it seems I have arrived here at the disadvantage. My name is Ashura-ou. To be honest I have no idea where I am, nor even how I arrived here. While I am aware that it may be impossible to explain my arrival, I hope that the question of where I am is easier to answer. This... Sentience has informed me of the name of this place: Marina Asylum; though I am not entirely sure what an 'asylum' is or why it insists on addressing me as 'criminal'.

At any rate I have tried exploring this place on my own for the time being, but have found that without the aid of someone who has been here longer I am little more than confused. There are many technologies and magics here I have never seen before. I would appreciate it if I could receive answers as soon as possible. I do not wish to be an imposition, but there’s little I can do about that if I am ignorant of your ways.

[It should be noted that his voice is melodic, giving no indication of his sex either.]
[action] Event: Valentine's Auction
19 February 2010 at 03:05 pm
[A podium and stage, decorated with pink and red, has been set up outside the shelter. Here's where the action happens...!]

[Everyone who wants to RP out their auction should make a comment here, describing what they're wearing and how they're feeling/acting in the comment. Don't say anything. You may optionally add context relative to the timing of the bidding, like mention that he's impatient for character X to go up, or is weirded out because character Y just bought someone else and she was supposed to buy him, or is anxious because she's the first one up there, etc.

[Then Minako responds with patter commentary, attempting to sell your character based on what she knows/has been told. She will put [Bidding] in the subject line. Respond to Minako's comments to bid. Just like in a real auction, the bid that is the highest or the fastest will be the one accepted!

[Please go up in increments of no more than 300 sentis at a time, and remember that 1500 sentis is a reasonable price for a date. Indicate in bold in brackets if you have OOC plans, like, "[He was confident he would win]" or "[She was starting to worry she didn't have enough cash]" or "[The thought of losing didn't even cross his mind]". It is common courtesy not to interfere with established plans; if you want to do something else, talk to the mun whose intentions interfere with yours.

[But try not to choreograph things too extensively. You have the right to decide what you want to happen to your character, but it's fun to let these things be spontaneous, and you don't have the right to tell other people their characters aren't allowed to do something IC just because it interferes with your extensively scripted plans.

[Minako will declare the winner of each auction, largely at her discretion, and then the bidding will be over.

[People may also start their own threads off the original comment with the biddee with subject lines like [Before the Bidding] or [After the Bidding] to interact with the person up for auction. Try not to do post-bidding threads until after the bidding is concluded -- for obvious reasons!]
22 December 2009 at 12:40 am
Oh my god! Is this snow?

Is this jail?

Is this place on Earth?

Whew. All these questions are making my head hurt. I guess I have plenty of time to figure them out though!

I just have one question that I'd like answered here pretty soon, isn't the whole ball and chain thing a little excessive?
[voice - open like burning!]
19 December 2009 at 07:35 pm
Okay, I know this seems a little silly right now, but I thought it would be a good idea for us to take our minds off of the cold with a little distraction. [At least for the people who aren't skilled in ways that would let us help find a solution.]

I tried to think of games we could all play over the communicators and only one thing really came to mind, so who wants to play...

Truth or Dare?

(OOC: Threadjacking is almost required!)
07 December 2009 at 02:37 pm
[ sounds almost disbelieving ] ... that Subaru... he's gone. [ no breaking sounds, hey! just breathing and maybe you all can hear May meow-ing in the background. ]
Mood: crappy
Location: Sector 5, Apartment / Early Morning
[voice/locked to defense]
06 December 2009 at 09:52 am
((ooc: backdated to earlier, since I fail))

Well, today isn't going as planned, but at least one thing is. If you can hear this, you made it onto the defense force. I reviewed all your info yesterday and I got weapons from Sentience before -- whatever this is started going down.

I just want to make clear that you only get one chance with these. If you hurt anybody without being able to justify your actions convincingly, you are out a weapon and in a heap of trouble.

So let's start helping out whoever needs it, right?
[voice/FILTERED FROM the Earl, Tyki]
29 November 2009 at 10:15 am
[he's waited as long as he can justify waiting after the meeting earlier, but he said he was going to do it, and he's going to do it.

[he just. hopes the little boy from earlier is asleep already]

You all need to be aware that the man calling himself the Millennium Earl is more dangerous and more evil than you can possibly imagine. This also goes for his ally, Tyki Mikk.

Please, for your own safety, and because every one of you he can affect becomes a danger to everyone else here. Stay away from him. Keep anyone you care for away from him. Don't talk to him. Believe nothing he says. And don't ever tell him about loved ones you've lost.

I'm sorry. But this is -- very important.
24 November 2009 at 09:39 pm
Hey, not to step on anybody's feet, and not to suggest that rogue vampires are a police problem, but -- I've been thinking that if we want a better police force, we can just go ahead and make one. I checked with the AI and it said it would give us weapons and information.

I'm okay with doing the planning and organizing and the annoying part. So all I need to know is, who would be interested in lending a hand? Willing to get up in people's faces and take action if we had trouble?
[action | open]
17 November 2009 at 10:24 pm
[Euphie is sitting in the common room trying to sew a button back onto a coat. It seems like it should be easy, but somehow, it isn't.]

[Action - Opennnn]
16 November 2009 at 03:56 pm
[As soon as he'd heard there was food available, Luffy was THERE. Well. Maybe it took him half an hour to get there, what with all the wrong turns he'd taken, but he was there nonetheless! It didn't matter that he could have gotten food in the shelter just as easily. The teenage pirate is currently pounding down bowl after bowl of ramen at a rate that might make the weak-stomached queasy..]

{ooc: Threadjack each other liberally? :D}
[Action | Open, why not!]
11 November 2009 at 07:33 pm
[So many interesting new inmates, so few opportunities to catch them in a proper mood. The grief and shock from the vampire attack was all too quickly replaced by a communal sense of mutual concern that was just sickening. Something needed to be done.]

[Xellos decides to spend his time hanging around the kitchen, waiting for a tasty morsel that couldn't be found in the pantry. He's been lurking enough to know quite a bit about many of the inmates and is well prepared to do what he does best -- use their own feelings against them.]

[Oh, this would be fun.]

((OOC: Xellos is ready and willing to torment any and all characters! If you want him to have knowledge of your character to use against them other than what was shared over the public airwaves, please indicate such or IM me. Also, it would help greatly if you would include [thinking] tags to indicate what your character is feeling if it's not obvious, since Xellos will be able to tell.))

((OOC 2: The Revenge!: Thread contains violence and disturbing content. Per usual~))
10 November 2009 at 08:42 pm
Whoops! I must be really drunk, ahahahaha! It's like I'm hungover but upside down! My legs are heavy instead of my head. Oh wait! It's only one leg that's heavy, hahaha! This is some pretty weird hangover!

...I kind of remember going to sleep, though! Mutsu forced me into my room. I think she hit me, or something, actually, no wait! I can feel the pain my my crotch! She kicked me, that's right! I wonder if I still have the ability to procreate after this many times...? Well, I guess it's best to stay positive and say I can!

But really, this is one strange hangover- Can anyone tell me which planet I'm on so I can phone the fleet to pick me up? It's not my fault for getting lost this time, hahahaha. Or at least, I don't think it is.

Oh, right! My name! I can't, haha, believe I almost forgot! I'm Sakamoto Tatsuma, head of Kaientai. Anyone interested in doing business?
[voice - open | action - closed]
02 November 2009 at 06:46 pm
I had a lot of fun last night. I really enjoyed seeing all the creative costumes! There were so few people dressed as men.

I must admit there are a few people I met as children, who I was hoping to run into now that the transformation has worn off, but didn't get the chance. Hayato? Lambo? Youou? Oh! I forgot I could filter that! Sorry, everyone!

[Filtered to the Nunnallys, Lelouch, and Suzaku]
Good morning! I wondered if you'd all like to meet for breakfast.
[Voice: OPEN! || Action: OPEN!]
22 October 2009 at 11:53 pm
[It’s pretty late to be climbing a tree, isn’t it? Yes, it is. Yet that’s exactly what mini-Kurogane is doing: climbing to the very top of the biggest tree he could find. It’s not that tall, really, but it’s still pretty far up for the little ninja. If you’re walking under it, sorry, you might get pegged by a broken twig or two as he shuffles around up there.]

I can’t see anything from here! [Disappointed whine.] I hope Mother is alright.. I wanted to bring her fish...... Father's going to be mad at me. [Hear the intense :( in his voice.]
Mood: energetic
Location: In ur treez, steelin ur sights
[Action] (I'm supposed to tell you threadjacking is A-OK)
15 October 2009 at 03:53 pm
[Damn that pirate and his tricksy ways!
Having snuck down from his room, Kurogane (now much, much tinier but otherwise looking exactly the same as he always did) is waiting around in the first floor common room and looking pretty grumpy about it. He rubs at his forehead - who knew creasing your eyebrows so much could hurt? His kid body wasn't used to making all of the sour expressions that adult!Kurogane constantly wore.]
Mood: embarrassed
Location: Sector 0 - 1st Common Room
[ voice ]
14 October 2009 at 09:02 pm
For the love of God and everything holy, everyone stop talking... [ woobsob ]
Mood: depressed
Location: Sector 0, Shelter / Afternoon
[Action | OPEN]
06 October 2009 at 02:12 pm
[Kurogane is in the library.
Tucked up against a shelf of books in between a row of art history and something-or-other, the tall ninja looks deceptively small with his legs folded beneath him and his face shoved in a book. As is typical of him, he’s wearing all black. The hideously bright clothing Fai had brought him remains untouched back in his apartment only because he keeps waiting for the mage to show up and tease him with it. Stupid, really.
Blood red eyes are focused intently on the pages of the comic book he’s reading. Though he looks distracted, he’s still pretty aware of his surroundings (except when a great battle scene occasionally draws him in). It wouldn’t do to let his ninja intuition rust just because he was indulging in a secret pleasure, after all.
Any beings with superhuman senses ought to be able to smell the distinctive scent of blood in the air around the dark ninja, as his troublesome robotic arm is still giving him hell where it connects to his shoulder. As irritating and painful as it might be, however, Kurogane is determined to ignore the problem.]

((responses will vary depending on who catches him geeking out))
Location: The Library
[Action | Open]
28 September 2009 at 06:13 pm
((OOC: Open, open, open! ...Sorry for all the action posts but nothing in Hell or Heaven will get this boy to talk publicly over the network. T_T))

[Conrad waits in the usual spot in the shelter corridor, watching quietly as the inmates go about their business. It's a comfort, in a way: every morning, the same spot, the same routine as he waits for Yuuri to arrive for their daily run. Whether Yuuri appears or not it's good to have a place to be, for a while.]

[Even if he's not looking forward to discussing the current situation, Conrad wants to see Yuuri. That's always true, but today in particular. He isn't sure when things became so complicated. Seeing Yuuri would help bring the most important thing into focus. Always does.]
[Action - open]
17 September 2009 at 09:00 am
[For the last couple hours, as per the ushering of the bots, Lussuria has been toiling away in the kitchen (apron and all). Not that he minded cooking, of course; he’d done it often enough back in Italy when he was busy trying to mother the Varia. However, it’s a bit more difficult with an iron ball attached to his ankle. That doesn’t stop him from cheerfully bustling about and preparing a large quantity of food for the others in the asylum. Tonight, there’s Italian food on the menu: a wide variety of pastas, beef, chicken, and lamb all cooked with various spices. And, of course, salad for the health-conscious.]

Who wants a bite to eeeeat~~? ♥

[Anyone who doesn’t feel like eating the flamboyant man’s cooking is more than welcome to make their own food. However, if anyone goes into the walk-in freezer, it’ll be practically impossible for them to miss seeing Ryohei’s dead body that Lussuria had smuggled in earlier..]