[Voice|Private] DURING AUCTION
20 February 2010 at 12:44 pm
[There's a chuckle, because Muraki is watching everything from the background, not bidding on anyone, but seeing who wins. Rido has been amusing so far, but it's obvious he doesn't have everything he needs.]

[To Rido]

You seem to be having some trouble, tonight. Would you like to have more breathing room?
Location: in the shadows
[action] Event: Valentine's Auction
19 February 2010 at 03:05 pm
[A podium and stage, decorated with pink and red, has been set up outside the shelter. Here's where the action happens...!]

[Everyone who wants to RP out their auction should make a comment here, describing what they're wearing and how they're feeling/acting in the comment. Don't say anything. You may optionally add context relative to the timing of the bidding, like mention that he's impatient for character X to go up, or is weirded out because character Y just bought someone else and she was supposed to buy him, or is anxious because she's the first one up there, etc.

[Then Minako responds with patter commentary, attempting to sell your character based on what she knows/has been told. She will put [Bidding] in the subject line. Respond to Minako's comments to bid. Just like in a real auction, the bid that is the highest or the fastest will be the one accepted!

[Please go up in increments of no more than 300 sentis at a time, and remember that 1500 sentis is a reasonable price for a date. Indicate in bold in brackets if you have OOC plans, like, "[He was confident he would win]" or "[She was starting to worry she didn't have enough cash]" or "[The thought of losing didn't even cross his mind]". It is common courtesy not to interfere with established plans; if you want to do something else, talk to the mun whose intentions interfere with yours.

[But try not to choreograph things too extensively. You have the right to decide what you want to happen to your character, but it's fun to let these things be spontaneous, and you don't have the right to tell other people their characters aren't allowed to do something IC just because it interferes with your extensively scripted plans.

[Minako will declare the winner of each auction, largely at her discretion, and then the bidding will be over.

[People may also start their own threads off the original comment with the biddee with subject lines like [Before the Bidding] or [After the Bidding] to interact with the person up for auction. Try not to do post-bidding threads until after the bidding is concluded -- for obvious reasons!]
[Voice | Open]
18 February 2010 at 10:51 am
An auction, huh? How many can I buy~?

[Private to Yuuki Kuran]
... selling yourself like a common prostitute. Very well. If you want to be treated like that, so be it.

[Private to Kaname Kuran]
I'm disappointed that you'd allow this... She is meant for better things.
[Accidental Video | Voice | Open]
02 February 2010 at 05:45 pm
[You can see a blue-eyed brunette, turning her head on all sides, confused and scared. She was wearing a hospital linen, and by her appearance, it seemed she went through some kind of labour, so she looked fatigued. Realizes she's not in the hospital anymore, neither in school or at home, but in some kind of prison. Suddenly notices some kind of translucent screen over her eyes is on, placing one hand on the headset that was in her ear. After knowing her crimes, Adrianna makes a heavy sigh of frustration, her head down for a moment but recovering instantly, giving such a strong glance and starts to scream.]

Fine!!! So what if I was on drugs??? I'm clean now!!! I'm a different person!!!

[Then... some tears are noticed in her eyes, finally falling through her cheeks.]

... And...

[Her voice could scarcely articulate any words, mumbling in the process. But she finally managed to speak with bated breath.]

And... I knew I wouldn't be a good mother... I'm too young for that...

[She covers her face with both hands, sobbing without restraint.]
[Action | Closed]
23 January 2010 at 10:14 pm
[After Nana had been settled thanks to Shirley she'd left with Minako to go and deliver the fake blood to Rido-Sama. It'd taken the two of them together a bit longer than it should have to to grab the bag of supplement and find just where exactly the place was they'd been directed to. Nana would have immediately become lost if it wasn't for Minako's help. She was really lucky to have her with her! Holding the bag which contained the bag of blood, Nana looked up to Minako, pointing to the 'building' ahead of her.]

This is where Rido-Sama is, right?

[If Nana were to be honest, she was a bit nervous. Scratch that, she was very nervous. She had to be careful to keep concentrating, lest her limbs fall off in front of Rido-Sama and Minako. That would be...awkward.]
23 January 2010 at 03:34 pm
This boredom is unacceptable. What is considered 'allowable' in terms of 'entertainment'?

[Private to Lenalee Lee]
I hope that you found my little gift, and that it was to your liking.

[ooc: The gift is contained in this and was left in a box outside her living quarters with only a note with her name on it. Unsigned otherwise.]
video | open
21 January 2010 at 08:53 pm
Don't- don't anyone come near me right now.

["Zero" looking...very uncomfortable. It's hard resisting all these delicious smells, okay!]

But I wanted to ask.

[A very serious "Zero" expression into the screen. He's so, so serious, guys.]

Ask me to do something- anything. I need a distraction.

[ooc | Bodyswitched with Zero. Did not handle suddenly lusting for blood very well... and is still trying to manage. Not that he really cares haha, just more in consideration for Zero than his own moral virtues. But on another note- he'll save all these "requests" people give him for when they switch back :)]
18 January 2010 at 07:59 pm
It's to keep Lenalee safe. Don't complain.

['Or else' B|, his tone says.]
[Action|Open] Backdated so it's not as late at night
17 January 2010 at 10:57 pm
[Aidou knows it could be considered later than for such an outing, but he needed something to do--so he wouldn't feel as useless as he had lately. So he took a trip to the convenience store to pick up some groceries. Little Akatsuki is bounding along beside him as he walks, every so often purposefully jumping into a mound of snow, as if he spotted something--which would be his shadow--and then stopping and looking around to make sure no one caught sight of what he was up to.

Aidou chuckles at his behavior.]

It's not like anyone is going to make fun of you for playing in the snow.
Location: Walking/around 10pm
[Voice | Open]
16 January 2010 at 07:30 pm

As disgusting as it is… I’ll try the refrigerated blood. Have someone bring it to me.

[Private to Lenalee Lee]
Lenalee, is it? Will you speak with me?
[video, filtered from Noahkin / open action]
12 January 2010 at 08:18 pm
[Because the kitchen is practically her second home in this place, Lenalee's there bright and early this morning after her earlier activities, this time cooking for Komui and making a big pot of coffee. There's a kitten laying down next to her communicator, pawing at it curiously. She takes the device and puts it on when she notices after the cat meows a bit and offers up a smile.]

See, Aidou? I went to the Pet Cafe first thing and got Anita. She's even cuter the second day.

Mm, I noticed a lot of people saying something about what happened yesterday evening, but I'm alright. Sorry if I worried anyone. [Kind of waving it off, no big deal~ could have been worse. Turns back to the food and pot of coffee and oh, if only communicators had delicious Smell-o-vision.]

Mm, I always end up making way too much... so, anyone's free to stop by and have some of both food or coffee if you catch me before I leave.
[voice|open / action | open sort of]
12 January 2010 at 07:12 pm
This is basically a lot like Conrad's hospital post. Only people that know her / that know that she's injured can access action, but feel free to access voice! Also, for action, I'm perfectly fine with Gino / one of the defense teamers coming in to talk to her as long as they don't - uh - try to break her head open? And lmao, as much as I don't want to, exorcists can't visit her - I'm sure the bots would not take strangling as a good visitor's excuse people. But Allen can come. So it's all good.

She's still restricted to the bed, meaning she can't walk just yet and her arms are still extremely sore. Not fully recovered atm. Also lots and lots of bandages.

Bring flowers when you see her mmmk? )

Huh. There's so many new people...I wonder what'll happen once Sentience runs out of room.

[soft laugh] Maybe it'll start executing us~ I mean, there's already a graveyard and all, so it's a possibility - isn't it?
11 January 2010 at 10:35 pm
Miharu. Miharu.

[It's already panic. Yoite had only been able to make out a few words 'criminal', 'trespassing', 'kidnapping', 'won't', and 'leaving'. Though close enough to read, even with his vision, the letters had come up fuzzy, distorted, overlapping two or three times. Shifting up, down, side ways, as he tried to read.

There's a steel ball on his ankle.

He can't Kira it away.

And worst of all-- no small boy, with huge green eyes next to him.

He doesn't understand. He's scared.

Did Kairoushuu imprison him? He just got Miharu back. Had they taken him? Could Miharu even hear him, on the other end?]

Miharu! [It's desperate; choked. It's horrible, frightening that he can't fix this obvious problem with Kira. That he's helpless.]
[Accidental Video | Please Come And Piss Her Off]
11 January 2010 at 10:37 pm
[ooc warning: Definite spoilers for R2. Also, so sorry for the tl;dr. I seriously fail at intros.]

[Have an accidental video of a face that I'm sure is QUITE recognizable for a lot of the inmates of Marina Asylum. Some of you have seen her before because she's from your world and others have seen a younger version of her, one with shorter hair and a translucently ruthless look in her eyes. Now, however, she looks slightly different. With long flowing hair and features that appear to be a bit older. It's not necessarily a physical change, but more so mental.

The furrow in her forehead creases, transforming her face into one etched with confusion and anger. Her eyes reread the accusations on the screen, mouth forming a thin white line as the color drains from her face.]

Not so important spoilery stuff about her brothers and adorable sister )

[Her chin lifts sharply before she stands up, instinctively reaching for the sword-gun that she keeps sheathed at her side. But her fingers graze her hip instead, and she releases a low groan as lavender eyes peer around the room incredulously. She isn't surprised that it has been confiscated.

The only thing she is sure of is that this is not a room at the palace or a room in the Damocles. Not knowing who to direct her animosity at, and failing to notice she is being recorded for the entire network to see, fists form at her sides, and she stands tensely there, directing her indignation above, as if she expects some sort of hidden intercom or camera to receive her insults.]

I DO NOT appreciate being dragged from my home in such a cowardly manner! I demand to know where I have been taken at once!
[Video / Action]
11 January 2010 at 09:13 pm
Seimei--! [panning in on the very frantic face of a young boy, fifteen at most, the cat ears on top of his head flicking occasionally. He's breathless and doubled over, as if he had been running for a long time. He swallows and looks around, confusion etched all over his features]

Hello? Can someone, anyone-- uhm, it's fine if I'm here. But not... please, not now. Just five more minutes. It's okay if I come back but let me go back for just a couple more minutes!

[He stops, taking a second to let a shaky breath pass through him and he digs his phone out, holding it up and waving it around as he continues his fast pace along what seems to be a park, though he's pretty distracted] Service, service...
[Video | Open]
11 January 2010 at 05:32 pm
[Reira is terrified. No putting it lightly - she's trembling in her rather thin green dress, clutching the lighter-necklace that hangs around her neck in a death-grip, trying to figure out how all this could happen. A quick glance around at her surroundings tells her much, and nothing at all - she appears to be underwater, but in some sort of dome? How is that possible?

Then the screen she hasn't even noticed until now flickers on, and she finds out exactly what is happening to her. She's numb to most of it, but two words - statutory rape - stick in her mind like brambles, and a horrifying thought occurs to her. Could he have... but she'd said...!]

Takumi... oh Takumi, what've you done? How could you?

[She rolls the globe-shaped necklace in her palm, trying to soothe herself with the familiar action, and it seems to work a little - she breathes deep, from the diaphragm like they always said in her singing lessons, and touches the strange thing around her head. It seems to be some sort of video screen with sound, like in a sci-fi movie. She pushes one button, then the next, and that's when her face appears: pale and thin, almost hidden behind a curtain of strawberry blonde curls, with big, frightened blue eyes glassy with unshed tears]

H - hello? Does this thing - I mean, can anyone hear me? Is this really a - a prison?
[action|closed] [Video off|open when on]
08 January 2010 at 11:27 pm
[Sector Three. He hadn't made his presence over the network a secret as he worked. He didn't mind the chase, he'd been waiting for this moment since the day time that Rido had first attacked upon his arrival. He'd kept a close eye on him during his regeneration and when he had been reintroduced to the community.]

[Passing the movie theater, Zero could feel his presence as the vampire moved. Losing him, it wasn't possible with the size of the facility. Zero's range covered most of the dome and his instincts were finely tuned. Gun drawn, he consistently gained ground and closed the gap between them.]

We've done this enough in the past, you know you can't hide.

[ooc:Video post is currently OPEN for tagging! Here's a few pictures of Zero. Just for everyone to see when it is switched to video. Note the vines are growing from the gun AND him...not just one or the other.]
[Video-open // Action-closed]
07 January 2010 at 11:51 pm
[A pair of mismatched eyes glow in the darkness, peering at the device held in his hand. The corners of his mouth twist into a slight smirk, clearly amused as he utters a cryptic message to someone who might be watching.]

Such a bad decision~. You should think about that next time I speak.

[Suddenly, the video feed is a flurry of movement, the night a blur of shadows and fragmented sounds as the Pureblooded vampire speeds through the dome as if searching. When he does stop, the silhouetted landscape has changed drastically, the sharp angles of brick and concrete instead replaced by muted lamp lights lining a solitary path through a grove of blackened trees.

Gazing out from the darkness, the video focuses on the distant figure of a girl making her way along the path. It lingers, following the sound of her shoes on the pavement, allowing the viewer to anticipate what must be coming next to the unsuspecting victim.

Barely a moment later, he moves. One moment shrouded by shadow, the next directly in front of the startled girl. Rido Kuran tilts his head, casting his prey a 'pleasant' smile.]


continued )

[ooc: Red text is from Rido's perspective, black is from Lenalee's.]
04 January 2010 at 08:01 pm
[Aidou pops up on the screen smiling really brightly.]

Well, if anyone wants some treats, I have quite a bit of leftovers in the kitchen for the taking. I can't possibly eat them all myself.

[There's a little sound of a "meow" in the background and Aidou is beaming before disappearing off screen. He comes back shortly with a little red-and-brown-striped kitten in his arms.]

I picked up little Akastuki today! Isn't he cute?

Kamui, would you mind him and May meeting? I think they could become good friends!
[accidental voice for the first part then action/closed to Rido]
30 December 2009 at 07:15 pm
Road-tama, where are you taking me?

Shhhh, you'll see Lero~~

Where are you taking those- Those are Tyki-tama's!

He won't mind!~

L-lero...are we going to see that-

That's right!~ Let's be on our best behavior Lero~

N-no! That man is s-scary, lero, don't take meeeeeee!

ooc: Red is Lero. Poor thing. Feel free to react to the first part via video/voice, but Road might just hang up on you.

My...what big teeth you have~ )