[ video + action ]
06 February 2012 at 11:33 pm
[ Inmates of Marina, the dude in this video feed--the one with the long blond hair and circular glasses sitting halfway down his nose--does not look pleased. Not pleased at all. ]

Ritsuka. You're here, aren't you?

[ and then--and this part hurts, it's embarrassing, because he should just know, but their bond isn't quite strong enough for that yet-- ]

Tell me where to find you.

[ He doesn't seem too concerned with anyone or anything else, but the post is public. He hasn't taken the time to learn how to filter yet; there are far more important matters at hand. ]

[ ooc; action is only open to Ritsuka, but video is for everyone! ]
[Video | Public]
29 October 2010 at 05:38 pm
[Leopard is still in his recently claimed chamber in the Education Center Dining Hall, having seen no reason to move from there so far today.

To those who don't experience the blackout, he appears in perfect (well, a bit dim) lighting, but to others it's purely dark other than a glowing red 'eye' which shifts around.

Being a hikikomori and having an artificial eye, he has little trouble with the dark, preferring it even to the bright sun. Still it's a little dark for his tastes even, particularly since he can't have the glow of his personal computer's monitor on his eye.

Periodically the transmission is marred by static, interrupting the A.I.'s words.]

Why is this blackout last░░░░long? Acumen! I really must say, your power generation is really qui░░░░░░░░acular.

Spectacularly BAD that is!

If this were my colony, there would be no shorta░░░░░░░░wer! Ah, my mirrors, what beautiful work they are!

What do you people even do here without power?! Really, really...

I suppose there's alway-

[There's a gap in the transmission here for about thirty seconds.]

"Don't give up, you're the best, Leopard!"

D...D... "Divine is what you are, Leopard!"

Another D... Hasn't anyone else thought of one yet?! [He doesn't wait long for a response.] "Debonair as ever, Leopard!"

D...What's that knocking? Hmph, useles░░░umans! Needing me to open the door for you!

[He opens the door, but nothing is there. (At least that can be transmitted via camera.)]

Oh, what's this? You.... [He sounds delighted.] You must be Deinonychus leopardus! Now you've fin░░░░░░░peared to me at last! I was beginning to wonder if they were ly-

[There's another gap in the video and audio for about twenty seconds here.

When the static clears, Leopard is lying on the floor. He quickly floats back up, his eye going wide at the thin air.]


[And then the transmission abruptly ends.]
Location: Sector 2 - Education Center Dining Hall / Early evening
[Voice | Open]
25 October 2010 at 10:50 pm
[At least after the last black out he was smart enough to get a few flashlights. Having it happen right after waking up was significantly more irritating than before though. At least he had gotten dressed and ready for the day before everything in his apartment started to turn into rust and grime. Fuuma doesn't really sound worried when he speaks, however.]

We don't even get the day off this time?

[Being able to maintain that kind of illusion, or something similar for a night was pretty impressive. Could someone really keep it held for the whole day without tiring out here?]

That's unfortunate. Hopefully no one made important plans.
[voice / open]
25 October 2010 at 09:10 pm
For those of you who aren't aware, don't understand, or are worried about what's happening right now -- we're experiencing another incident like the monster attacks. But this is the first time it's ever happened during the day.

Whoever is responsible has a twisted sense of humor [honestly, the day before Halloween?] and we shouldn't reward them by panicking.

I'd like to encourage everyone who can to please gather in the shelter. There don't seem to be monsters about right now, but I don't think that will last for long, and this time seems to be different than the other times, so take every precaution.

If you need help, please don't hesitate to ask for it -- I'm sure the defense force is standing by. But we should all get to safety as soon as possible.
[Video|Action|Open] Art Class!
21 October 2010 at 12:05 pm
All students attending the art class should attempt to bring a mirror with them. Nothing too small, but large enough that you can see your entire face. If you can't, you'll have to share the ones I will provide.

[When you enter the art room you'll see that the paint still hasn't been removed from the walls. Soubi's not concerned about it, because at least it came off the chalkboards. The walls can be a lesson for another day.

Today is a day for self-portraits. Students will be asked to draw themselves as they believe they look and then pull out the mirrors they have brought or will borrow and draw a more accurate portrait based on what they see in the mirror. This project will continue for the next two class periods as the two images will be cut in half and combined to make a symmetrical portrait of each student. Students who would like to be more creative can use any artistic medium they want for the portraits (oil paints, watercolors, clay, colored pencils, etc).]

{OOC: Put Before, After, or During into your headers!}
Location: Education Facility / Afternoon
[ action / event ]
15 October 2010 at 12:33 am
[Party! Lelouch has thrown a little party in the open space in the park adjacent his house; it's officially for everyone who has an October birthday. There are tables and decorations set up, plenty of delicious food and desserts, including a cake with a candle for all the birthday kids (after Lelouch gets feedback from birthday kids). He has party favors and everything: little bags of party favor treats for the attendees, and slightly more impressive baskets for the other October kids.

[But mostly: it's a party. There's music, decorations, food to eat, and funtimes. Lelouch will say a little something nice when they cut the cake. He's a good host, you'll have fun if you come~]

[[Please note that everyone not on the watch list got an invitation in the mail yesterday ICly, as apologized-for on the Monday post. Event-style posting; make your own thread and get comments, or comment to other people's threads!]]

Currently-known October birthdays: Euphie, Nunnallyx2, Rolo, Shiki... anyone else? Say so!
[ voice / action ]
12 October 2010 at 09:52 am
[ wandering around the kitchen at Casa de vi Britannia, sipping some coffee. eventually, she turns on her communicator and asks: ]

Where's my dog? [ sounds more amused than anything else ]
Mood: sleepy
Location: Day 84 / House, Sector 4 / Morning
[video / when the lights first go out]
01 October 2010 at 08:22 pm
[after a few moments of annoyed attempts to turn on his lamp and glancing outside to see that the rest of the dome is similarly dark... the video is on but it's just black because there's no light source anywhere. he's fumbling for the flashlight in his house]

Okay, who is responsible for the blackout? Can't we go three days without a crisis?
[Action|Closed to Housemates]
28 September 2010 at 04:13 am
[It's very early and the Britannia household is quiet. Breakfast hasn't even been cooked yet. Soubi tries to be one of the first up. It's easier he thinks, on this arrangement. The shower was always a better way to wake up, but he realizes too late that drying his hair will be troublesome today.

So he uses the towel he just patted himself down with to wring as much of the water out as he can, taking him time, but what he doesn't realize is that the door didn't shut properly when he entered the bathroom.]

{OOC: The first person to walk in will see a lot of skin. Anyone else, assume he's gotten at least partially dressed. Soubi also has a lot of scars, particularly on his back. Whether your character notices them or not is up to you!}
Location: Lelouch house / Early Morning
[action (late morning) | open!]
22 September 2010 at 01:03 am
[After a very uncomfortable (to say the very least) night, Nunnally has been hiding in her room for most of the morning. The pain faded a little while after she would normally wake up, but the discomfort persisted until very recently. Despite that, the wings are beautiful, and they respond just like an arm or a leg. After years of longing to fly, Nunnally can't help but wonder if they actually work...]

[There's only one way to find out, right? So she's made her way very awkwardly into the front yard, wrapped in a thick blanket to try to hide her wings. Nunnally doesn't want her housemates to be disappointed if this fails, but if it works, they should be the first to know.]

[It's tiring work, but Nunnally is determined to make the best of this.]

((ooc: feel free to come across her actually flying (not very far, just up to the tree or roof for now) or just trying to get a feel for how her wings move))
Mood: hopeful
Location: Sector Four
18 September 2010 at 12:24 pm
[There's a long line of bamboo at the beach, their stalks curving gently over the quiet trickling of waves. Further back on the beach are colored lanterns and little tables with pens and sheets of paper and string.

You're supposed to write poems or notes to your loved ones who can't be with you today, right...?]

((event-style posting; comment here to get tagged by other people. sorry if this infringes on the people who posted recently, I was going to post this this morning but had to go out... consider this a post for people who don't have quite enough substance for their own action posts!))
[Voice|Open] Backdated to Early Afternoon
09 September 2010 at 10:27 pm
The art class with be meeting as scheduled today.

[Soubi's voice is the usual bland tone, though there is a hint of something else in it.]

And to the one who "redecorated" the classroom: Next time avoid putting paint on the chalkboards. [Yes, that was really the only part he was annoyed about. Everything else was easy to manage.]
Location: Education Building
[School Event | Closed to faculty/staff/Kaien]
01 September 2010 at 07:54 pm
[The meeting hall of the educational center has been prepared. There is a large, oval table with enough comfortable chairs for everyone in the center of the room. There is also a smaller table ready for food and drink to be served and an open area for the musical performance later.

Euphie hopes this will be an inviting atmosphere for people to share their thoughts on the school.]

(OOC: Event-style commenting. Wait for headers. Memo for reference.)
[Action|Open] Backdated to Before/After Morning Announcement
31 August 2010 at 12:33 am
[Anyone walking down this street in Sector 4 may notice the oddity of the blond sitting outside Lelouch's house. The weather is warm enough that he doesn't have a coat, but his shirt is rumpled and loose--the top two buttons are also missing--and the bandages normally careful wrapped around Soubi's neck are missing, the jagged links and word etched into his skin obvious. If you get close enough, you'll notice some of them are red and formerly bleeding, as if scratched at repeatedly.

His clothes are dusty, dirty, from wandering around majority of the night.

He doesn't look upset, but he is sitting against the wall beside the door, staring upward at the ceiling of the dome.]

{OOC: In a much better mood, he'll be sitting outside until someone from Lelouch's house notices him, so feel free to bug!}
Location: Sector 4 / Really Early
27 August 2010 at 08:18 pm
[Soubi had spent most of the day locked in his room. Had it not been for his responsibility to the art class...he never would have left. But he can't stay there any longer.

He finds himself wandering, avoiding any person he sees and sticking to less trafficked areas. He can't bring himself to care. He could stay in an alley all night and it would suit him.

But he does make one call.]

[Private to Lelouch]

Lelouch. Ritsuka and I...will not be joining you for lunch anytime soon.

{OOC: Soubi is avoiding people, so he's not going to seek anyone out, but if you have a reason to look for him or want to push him to interact, feel free!}
Location: Sector 3 / Late Evening
24 August 2010 at 01:34 am
[Those who come by the studio early will find that there is a note on the door. The door isn't locked, the supplies are set out as they have been each day at the beginning of class.

The teacher will not be coming today.]

{OOC: Yeah, someone didn't take a certain person showing up yesterday very well. Anyone who wants can react to the note, tag each other about the art class, etc, since Soubi won't be showing up and it'll be there all day.}
Location: Education Facility / All Day
[Action | Voice | Open]
20 August 2010 at 06:37 pm
[Over all, despite the general chaos of the day, it hasn't affected him too much. Speaking with someone who appeared to be Santa Claus had been strange, sure, but not bothersome. From the sound of things over the network there were many people who were having a much worse time than he was; it was kind of surprising how mellow the overall stay here had been. The only really exciting things that happened were Kamui showing up, and getting attacked by the monsters.]

[One thing that might prove to be more annoying, however, was the prospect of the flood of people that had come today staying in the shelter for the night. Sure, there was likely more than enough room for them all, but it was something Fuuma didn't feel like dealing with.]

[He had been planning on finding somewhere else to stay anyways and now was as good a time as any to start looking. So wandering the various sectors and looking for an apartment he goes.]

Which sector has nice apartments? I'm a bit tired of the shelter.

((OOC: Backdating this to before anyone he might talk to for fourth-wall showed up. Orz.))
19 August 2010 at 02:06 pm
[He has slipped off somewhere, changed out of the costume, and is now himself. This is perhaps a better way of getting answers.]

Hello, I'm afraid I'm a bit confused. I wasn't aware that cutting class was grounds for imprisonment. I wonder if Mr. Godot has anything to do with this. Nunnally, Miles, Ling, are any of you here?
[Action|Open] Slightly Backdated
12 August 2010 at 02:20 pm
[Soubi sets up three large printouts of different paintings on display at the front of the room on easels. Above the easels written on the board is the question:

What makes these art?]

{OOC: You can meet him Before, After, or During class, just put which in your subject line. Be warned the second link has a VERY LARGE PHOTO.}
Location: Education Facility / Afternoon
[video | open, filtered from Rolo]
10 August 2010 at 10:02 pm
I'm sorry if this sounds like a strange question, but has anyone seen a doll made from some kind of plant in the shops? I don't know what they're called or what they look like, but it was about this big [here Nunnally holds up her hands so viewers can see] and Sayoko said it was better than the thousand cranes. I think they're supposed to come with nails, too...but just the doll would be fine.

((ooc: Nunnally is asking for a wara ningyo presumably to be used in a variation on the Ushinokokumairi ritual. And yes, they actually have benevolent uses.))