Feb. 5th, 2009


Challenge Fic: Status

Original poster: bluejeanbaby01

Title: Status
Author: [info]bluejeanbaby01 
Rating: PG
W/C: 1100
Warnings: none really
Disclaimer: This is just for fun, no offense is meant. I don't own (or even know) Van or Jake, Luke or Noah, or anything else related to ATWT. I don't make any money from this, either.
Beta: Nope, any mistakes are mine.
A/N: (Written for [info]luke_noah's monthly challenge #3) I've never written an RPS before. Never really felt the need to, given that they are real people I'm playing with instead of fictional characters but this popped into my head (and the boys are just so in love!!!) that I went with it. Plus this fandom does need more RPS.
Feedback: Always appreciated. And I'm not too sure about this piece so if you could let me know what you think about it, I would love you always.

Status )

Jan. 25th, 2009


Microfic Meme

Original poster: bluejeanbaby01

I thought that I'd give this a go. Who knew that ten freakin' words could be so damn hard to write?

Microfic Meme
Write ten different categories of fic (smut, angst, fluff, etc.), each in ten words or less.

Microfic Meme )

Jan. 19th, 2009


Untitled Fic Post

Original poster: bluejeanbaby01

Title: Untitled (if you have a suggestion, I'd be happy to hear it)
Author: [info]bluejeanbaby01 
Rating: NC-17
W/C: ~1700
Warnings: M/M sex, some language
Spoilers: Unless you've been in a cave and don't know what happened this past Monday, nope
Summary: The boys have sex.
Beta: Nope - any mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, just having a bit o' fun. Don't make any money from this.
A/N: Ok, so I wrote this last weekend after the sneak peek clip was released and this is what the boys wanted. And after Monday's show this seemed kind of like a "moo" point, but I figured what the hell. I'm not big on writing sex scenes - I don't think that I'm particularly good at it so if this is terrible, please let me know. Also, since the boys, you know, actually did it, this is more of an AU than it was supposed to be.
Feedback: Love it, even if it's of the mean variety. And ok, I don't love the mean feedback but it does help me become a better writer.

Read more... )

Dec. 12th, 2008


The Twelve Days of Christmas

Original poster: bluejeanbaby01

Title: The Twelve Days of Christmas
Author: [info]bluejeanbaby01 
Rating: G - PG-13ish
Warnings: m/m interaction including illusion to m/m sex, language, schmoop
Spoilers: Not really.
Disclaimer: I don't own Luke or Noah or any of the other ATWT characters. The only thing that is mine is the idea behind this and the words herein.
W/C: - 3100
A/N: This is unbeta'd so any mistakes are mine. And for the purpose of this story, the current storyline does not exist; Luke and Noah are together and they have sex (I mean, they're teenage boys - they're going to find places and time to do it), and they both still live at the farm. Also, I had hoped to post this one day at a time starting tomorrow and leading up to Christmas day, but the week of Christmas I will be where internet has yet to go (shocking, I know) so I'm posting it all at once. But the story starts on the 14th of the month and leads all the way up to Christmas day. Feedback is welcome, even the critical kind.
Summary: It's Christmas time.

The Twelve Days of Christmas )

Nov. 8th, 2008



Original poster: bluejeanbaby01

Hello, I'm brand new here and fairly new to Nuke, but after much Youtubing this little drabble popped into my head and I thought that I'd give it a shot. I haven't written anything in a really long time so if this is rough or it sucks, my apologies.

Breathe )

May 2009




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