Feb. 7th, 2009


Through the years. Pt.1

Original poster: la_fours

Title: Through the years. Pt.1

Author: la_fours

Characters: Luke, Noah, various other characters to a smaller degree

Rating: R

Word Count: 4500


Summary: Luke and Noah meet at age ten.  A look at various years throughout their lives together 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my words and the order in which they are placed.

Notes: I would like to thank Rebop13 (Spookything at VH.net) for her thoughts and suggestions.  You've helped me marvelous much.  Oh and feedback makes me tingle ;)




Read more... )

Jan. 31st, 2009


Microfic meme attempt!

Original poster: la-fours

Tonya here, I'm new to LJ, but post over at VH,net (as Clearlier).
I decided to try my hand at my own micromeme cause I am so Nuke's bitch :)


Jan. 23rd, 2009


Microfic Meme

Original poster: sagiegurl

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic ( angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Notes: This was blatantly stolen from another fandom. I thought it would be interesting to see what the authors in this community could come up with. I did it for Luke and Noah, but it would work for Van and Jake too.


Microfic Meme )

Dec. 29th, 2008


Nuke Video: Noah Longs for Luke

Original poster: ashleigh_lin

Hi!I'm new to the com and new to the fandom and... I've made a Nuke video. It also kind of has a specific story and a specific timeline behind it. It occurs way back at the beginning of the Luke/Noah saga, before Noah comes out. After the infamous towel-fight, Noah is having dreams/visions of what a life with Luke could be like, but he is unable or unwilling to act on his feelings. The dreams become increasingly clearer and more vivid, until Noah, eventually, succumbs to his feelings by kissing Luke for the first time (ha) and setting into motion all the events to come. This is supposed to run parallel to the canon of the time.

I hope you like it! Feedback would, of course, be awesome. Tell me what worked and what didn't; what you like and what you don't. Thanks for watching. Ta!

Dec. 20th, 2008


FIC: History

Original poster: morgan_d

Title: History
Author: Morgan D. ([info]morgan_d)
Genre: NPNPPP (No Plot, No Porn, Possibly Pointless)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 12.182
Summary: A date at Yo's, back when the boys were still getting to know each other. Set in early January, 2008.
Warnings: Talking. Lots and lots of talking.
Spoilers: Up until New Year's Eve, 2008. And for the movies The Blue Bird (1940), directed by Walter Lang, and I'd Rather Be Rich (1964), directed by Jack Smight.
Notes: First, I wrote most of this fic between July and September 2008, way before the Election storyline, and it probably shows. Second, I did my best with the continuity, but ATWT is a lot older than I am; I don't claim to have all the facts right. Also, the Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome is a headache when you're trying to figure out dates and ages. Huge thanks to my lovely beta [info]tekalynn.

( History )

Nov. 7th, 2008



Original poster: astation

Hey Guys,

I'm compiling some sort of picspam (I guess you could call it that) and it would really help me out if some of you guys could help me find some pictures of the following scenes? HQ if possible?

- First Meeting
- Luke's confession
- Luke, Noah & Ameera (preferably one with Noah & Ameera together and Luke on the side? Something that implies a complication)

And any other pictures of your favourite scenes would be great, too.

I hope you guys can help me out. Thanks in advance. (:

Oct. 3rd, 2008


So I thought this was cool...

Original poster: freakykat

I'm part of a Queer as Folk community called [info]queer_as_xmas. It's basically a community that challenges writers to write Christmas themed Brian/Justin stories and then the mods post them every day in Decemeber up until Christmas. I participated last year and received this great message from the mods saying that this year, not only will they include original m/m fics but they are also including Luke/Noah Christmas themed stories!

Here's the community: http://community.livejournal.com/queer_as_xmas/profile

I hope some of us can particpate!

Aug. 26th, 2008


only something amazing could bring me out of luker-dom

Original poster: kooku4u

my name is ebonie and in all honesty i'm probably too young to so invested in soap operas
(how young? well i'm old enough to drive)

anyway i've been lurking around for awhile but when i was watching ATWT all i could think was "oh my god" i have to talk about this. 

so i'm out of the soap watching closet

Aug. 20th, 2008



Original poster: kissmedirty

Disclaimer: I do not own Luke or Noah, They belong to ATWT & P&G .. no profit is being made .. just smiles :D

May 2009




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