Posts Tagged: 'character:+ophelia+sinclair'

Jan. 14th, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 1/14/2016, evening

It is often difficult for me to find reason to believe this school has our best interests at heart. Our people are on the precipice of war, and we're forced to sit back and wait while the 'adults' are slaughtered in droves, perpetually waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the inevitability of our own meager destruction. Yes, a sense of normalcy must continue to be had, but to completely ignore the situation outside of these walls is ignorant and childish.

More class time should be devoted to Defense Against the Dark Arts, and that should include a true teaching and understanding of the Dark Arts themselves, as well as a focus on Magic History and the last Death Eaters. Understanding our enemy is imperative to the survival of our people.

Jan. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: After classes, 1/11

Quiet break. Classes again, with extra work. Back to normal I guess?



[No Subject]

Journal Entry
After Breakfast - Monday, January 11th, 2016

If a single one of you idiots decides that we're going to have a repeat of third year and decides that commenting on other people's bodies and spreading rumours is a good idea, just remember I broke bones over it last time and I'm a lot bigger now keep your damn traps shut. That particularly goes for anyone who decides mentioning my brother is a good idea. My Mother is now residing in Marble City with her youngest sister so don't expect to go looking for me in Louisiana ever again either, plantations are overrated.

[ Contextual OOC Note ] )

Jan. 9th, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 1/9/2015, evening

[Heavily hexed and made Private to the Knights of Ren]

The time is soon approaching. Our brothers and sisters of the Death Eaters have attacked and purged the Ministry of the useless and weakened filth that has claimed to lead us these past 30 some years. A cleansing has commenced, and thanks to connections growing in our ranks, I am certain that we will, in time, catch the attention of our compatriots and they will provide us our role in the upcoming revolution.

All of that being said, as exciting of a time as this is, as power is at hand, we must not be hasty or reckless. Keep up appearances, don't single yourself out as a supporter so openly, or so heavily. The opposition is sensitive now, fearful, and they are huddled in masses. That makes them dangerous, and reckless, and we will not allow them to make accusations that could cause exposure to this organization. We have too much to lose, and so much more to gain.

Of course, we cannot sit idly by and wait for the Death Eaters to do all of the work, it might be time for the world to start learning that the Knights of Ren exist, and they are a power to be reckoned with. It is imperative that those of you who have friends you trust, people you believe capable of helping our order, are brought to my attention. We will discuss bringing them in and bolstering our numbers.

I also ask that you all bring me names of those staunch supporters of the Ministry and its cowardly, wayward ways, and we will begin to mark our targets. I do not intend to sit too long in the shadows now that a war is at hand.

Action must be taken, and it must be soon. I know many of you are eager, and I assure you that that action will be had. But in due time, until then continue to practice, train, and be vigilant.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 1/6, morning

I'm finding it hard to decide if it's a good idea to go back to school already because of the attack on the ministry. Dangerous things keep happening, and we may just be safer at home with our families, rather than at the school where one student has already died. My father says that this is reminiscent of some of the things that happened the last time Nyx appeared. We must be vigilant

[Private to Ben]

So think you want to ride with me on the train, or are you gonna be busy with your slytherin friends?

Jan. 5th, 2016



So much for some alone time

A (heavily scratched out in some areas) Journal Entry
(backdated) January 3rd, Afternoon )

Jan. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: early afternoon, 1 January

[Private Dream Journal]
As if the nightmares about the Ministry murders the last few days weren't enough, Death decided to end the year with a full recap of a year's worth of murder and death yesterday and a preview of the upcoming year this morning. Fuck I need sleep.

Champagne hangovers suck. Fortunately New Year's Day is an acceptable day to have more champagne for breakfast, so the hangover doesn't hit until about... now...

I'm going to go puke.

Dec. 30th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Dec. 30, evening

I'm not the only one who sees the hypocrisy going on, right? I mean, giant posts hating on people who they say are hating on people. You can take a stand without being an asshat and stomping on other people's family.

My uncle is one of those people you're lumping in with all these accusations. My uncle who adopted a half-blood and kept my family's nose clean. Sorry that being rich somehow makes him evil. There are other things he's done that are way worse and you have no idea.

Bravo, people. Bravo.

Dec. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
When: After the fiasco on Adrian's journal, 12/29

I do not speak much, but I feel I need to lend my voice here. Since the attack on the Ministry, I have been working with my brother's healer on numerous improved pain and blood replenishing potions. My father has donated a sum to Saint Mungo's, and to the fund to support the services of those who were killed. The Sinclair family is indeed an old one, and thus we have responsibilities to the Wizarding world as a whole. We are all affected by the deaths. We are all united in the unfortunate bloodshed, and instead of splitting apart and causing more strife, a mending is needed. This cannot be achieved by insults and unkindness.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: 29 December, after kerfuffle on Adrian's post.

[Private to children of Deatheaters and Newly appointed Ministry]

It is not my way in general to organize anything, however given the clear mood among many of your classmates, it seemed prudent. These are difficult and dangerous times. Our family members who have taken up positions in the Ministry are now targets for the fears of the many. Please consider my suite a safe haven should you need one, and look out for one another. No matter our families' involvement or not, and our own obvious lack of involvement, we are clearly marked.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 29 December, afternoon.

I am already entirely unpopular in my house and well disliked. Therefore there is no risk to me to write today that I am honored by my family's new role in the Ministry. My Uncle is a great leader and all can be assured of his dedication to the position. My father has always been his partner in this and will continue in this role, but now in a more formalized way with the Aurors.

My father has indicated that there will be a private service for those in the Aurors, and that the perpetrators will be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

[Private to Sera]
Where are you? Uncle was upset when he could not find you… He is going to be mad when you come home.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 12/28, morning

I would like to offer my condolences to anyone who lost a loved one in this attack. As someone who has lost ones they cared about in the line of duty, I know that it's a pain that can't quite be described. My heart goes out to each and every one of you and I wish those who were injured a speedy recovery. As always, I am here for you if you need any help whatsoever. If you need time away from home to sort yourself out, my floo address is Gingerbread Cottage in Marble. Please come whenever you need. I don't think that I'll be sleeping much after this.

Please, everyone. Stay safe.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Tuesday 29 December, morning.

It is different seeing the coverage of the news in America from London. Their papers focus on different details than the USA Today and other American News agencies do.

Condolences to everyone who lost family.

Congratulations to everyone whose family have new, prominent roles in the Ministry in this time of violence and transition.

[Private to Narissa]
Sissy, are you okay there alone? We are supposed to be in London until the weekend - for New Year's Eve and Day - but Jackson's audition is tomorrow morning , so I could be home by dinner if you wanted.

Dec. 28th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Dec. 28, morning

The amount of hate that still exists in the world is disappointing.

How's your dad? He going to be okay?

My parents, always oblivious. They were buried in a lab and had no idea any of this happened. I should be grateful they're alive, but they cut themselves off from communication so the rest of us were worried sick. I swear they need to get their heads out of their asses. It's not like this isn't the first Deatheater attack, and this was a huge one.

Dec. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Owl
When: 12/25, afternoon

Owl to Rhi )

Owl to Jackson )

Private to Nari )

Owl to Belle )

Owl to Enjolras )

Owl to Meru )

Owl to Adrian )

Owl to Lia )

Owl to Gabe )

Dec. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: After classes, 12/18

Cut for image )

Dec. 16th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: 16 December, sunset

The earliest sunset has passed this past weekend. The Longest Night is still six days away. Then the days will lengthen once more and though winter will come, there will be signs that the sun will once more come and that winter will not last eternally.

Dec. 14th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Dec. 14, evening

Still a bit surprised that Hufflepuff won a quidditch match. The world never ceases to amaze me.

Don't make plans for Christmas. My dad sent me a letter saying your family would be there.

Dec. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Morning, 13 December

That was an appropriate way to start the season.

Hufflepuff Quidditch
I dropped one during warm-ups and wore my blue socks. We had pancakes at breakfast. All of this is important so we can win next game as well. Unless the socks need to match the colors of the team we are playing. Then they should be red to match the Gryffindor colors... would gold work as well?

Dec. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 12/2, evening

Third and fourth years,

Go away. Stop. Not into my brother that way. Ew.

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/29, morning

Murder solves many problems, I've heard.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 29 November, before the train, after the scribbler

Again my intelligence can't be my own. At least I am not seducing my professor this time. I am thankful for small graces. Or not, but still. My skills in arithmancy must be remarkable if the 'real' source of my skills is always so in question. It can't possibly be that I am just a nerd who studies this stuff for fun outside of class.

Speaking of, I wonder if a node-network model would reveal anything? It has been used to map social networks. Although it is unlikely to reveal more than trends among the rumors, of which some are obvious. And I imagine I would feel dirty should I delve too deeply into the gossip rag.



What in the world, what does your company take me for?

Type: Journal post
When: 11/29 morning

Let me say on the record that what the Scribbler said is true...

I would not crawl that far down on the social ladder for romantic prospects. I mean look at me as if scraping the bottom of the barrel would be necessary.

That being said if anyone repeats the false rumors about Skye, Bucky and Rogers around me I will be most displeased.

Private to KDT

Well this is a terrible beginning to the week if I do say so. Apparently Bucky is a drug addict, Skye is after Bucky's retriever puff and said Puff is abusing our Bucky. Learning new things every day apparently.

If I was prone to violence I would be so inclined to indulge now. For the record, I do not believe anything about the both of you. I know drug addicts when I see them, Bucky is not one, Skye is too busy squealing over Steve and Bucky to make any sort of romantic overtures and Steve Rogers is not capable of abusing anyone.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: Nov. 29, Morning.

How long does it take to freeze to death? I thinking that might be a good way to go.

[Private Bella]

Do you think it true? That we might not be twins?

[Private Ophelia]

So it is true? Are you going to be finally rid of me?

Nov. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: 11/29, afternoon

Got something right... Suppose can't all be made up.

Nov. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: November 22; evening

Not that I'm a fan of being without magic, but this has been a relaxing few days. I've been at peace with my abilities as a Seer for a long time, but having this break has been like a little vacation. I even managed to finish that book I bought two months ago.

For those of you I haven't met yet, my name is Professor Morgan Aubrey. I'm your new(ish) Divination teacher. Please call me Morgan, or I'll feel old and cry.

Nov. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Saturday 21 November, morning.

Unlike many, I did not immediately notice the problems in the castle, but then, I spent much of yesterday translating ancient Greek when I was not assisting in class. It seems potions that were brewed prior to yesterday still work. Still, I am glad to have some knowledge of herbology and uses of plants beyond their magical properties. However yarrow and golden rod are not nearly as effective as a coagulation spell.

[Private to Ophelia]
I would that you spend the night in my suite where at least my pet can monitor the perimeter until this is resolved.

[Private to the Healers]
I am far less confident without magic than I would publicize. I had a bloody nose this morning that would normally not be a big deal in the grand scheme of my condition but required stuffing my entire nostril for some minutes before the bleeding slowed, and I still taste blood in the back of my mouth an hour later.

If a snake comes to you, follow him. He is mine and should something happen to me in this dampened magical field, I will tell him, and he will lead you to me.

Nov. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Thursday 19 November, after classes

I think I might be one of the only ones looking forward to a nice quiet weekend this weekend – before we have to go home for the chaos. Thanksgiving is always such a whirlwind for me. Dinner with my dad and all of my Boston relatives on Thanksgiving itself, with more than a few family traditions… and then Black Friday shopping with my mom starting at 3AM Friday morning until dinner time… I need to catch up on my sleep and get ahead in my schoolwork before I go home next week and enjoy the snow while I have enough time to see it.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: late evening 11/19

Cut for image )


Nov. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Wednesday 18 November, afternoon

Близо́к локото́к, да не уку́сишь. Your elbow is close, yet you cannot bite it. A week remains until the Thanksgiving Break. The professors seem to be less than mindful of the break… or else they are seeking to complete much before the long weekend. It is perhaps a competition among them.

[Private to Sera]
I am already getting instructions from our family for our long weekend. Are you too, or am I getting all of their attention currently?

Nov. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Thursday 12 November, morning

[Private Dream Journal]
Death might be excited about the upcoming Quidditch match this weekend. I've had a couple Quidditch dreams with crows playing ravens, although last night one of the ravens was struck by a bludger and exploded into black glass shards that struck other birds and they exploded too until everything was black glass shards falling from the sky.

Apparently my hair is purple? I can't tell, but Carpenter mentioned it was a good color on me so it must be. Looks the same to me, but she's not much of a liar.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: 11/12, early morning
NOTE: Italics denote Ukranian




Private to Wanda

I will not be leaving my room while I figure out how to...correct something that someone did to me.

Private to Professor Kanazawa

I will not be in class today. I am ill.

Nov. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: 6am, 11/11

Snake in my bed. Good morning snake.

Nov. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Monday 9 November, before classes.

The BMA presence monitoring my family estate was obvious, but despite this I had a nice visit with my parents. Still it is strange to feel as though there are less eyes on me at Hogwarts, with all of the students, staff, ghosts, elves and the like than there was at home with just my mother and father.

[Private to Ophelia]
My snake enjoyed his weekend with you. He says I ought take lessons from you about how to properly treat a snake. You clearly spoiled him. Let’s have dinner. I have some memories for you.

[OOC: everyone in Slytherin would’ve seen Ophelia draped in and followed by Laertes snake for the weekend.]

Nov. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 11/5 mid-morning

Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice;
Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.

[OOC note: around this quote, a pattern of flowers and other ornamentation slowly appears throughout the day]