[info]greenwitch in [info]07refugees

Deleting old LJ e-mail addresses

Of interest to those who no longer have control of a) the original address on their LJ accounts, b) those who have hotmail addresses associated with their LJ accounts that they no longer control...

It appears that you can now remove those addresses.

FYI, and get on that, folks.

(I had *three* addresses I no longer controlled on there, which are thankfully gone now. Apparently in 2002-2004 I was quite the web-based e-mail whore.)

ETA: It doesn't appear to be available to everyone, and as noted in comments below, this *does* leave open another huge security hole. So, I suppose, if you're able to remove inaccessible e-mail addresses from your account, do it while you can because the change might be rolled back.


Also, this may be why that change wasn't publicized (because even if it's good for some of us, it's bad for others.)

Me, I'm just glad those ancient hotmail accounts are gone :/

IF your journal is hacked, I'm assuming you could go through LJ support if you had proof of ownership (i.e. if you had a paid account in the past with billing information attached to it) but honestly, it's still LJ we're talking about -- it's never going to be completely 100% secure. Backups are still the only way to go.