[info]mllesatine in [info]07refugees

LJ employees sacked

SUP sacked a number of employees in their San Francisco office. no_lj_ads has a tiny summary and a few links to a few sources (they call it the Grim Purge which I find inappropriate...)


Having gone through a number of IT meltdowns, I don't think the layoffs necessarily indicate anything significant about LJ's future (by LJ, I mean the USA bit of it, not SUP as a whole). As a cost-saving move, it's not unusual for companies to lay off employees for six months and then hire them back. Disgusting and hideous, yes, but not unusual.

What I find interesting is SUP's constant trumpeting of this sort of thing: "LiveJournal Inc.'s headquarters, technical operations (and servers,) legal, administration, and customer service teams will remain in the United States." Apparently SUP is very aware it needs a US "footprint" or American LJ customers will leave in droves. While LJ/Six Apart had many a spectacular fuckup, nothing beefed up IJ's membership more than the announcement of SUP's purchase.

Personally, I find the distrust of SUP out of proportion, and more than a little chauvinist. SUP is vile, yes, but no more vile than the average American company. Consider AT&T's role in Central America, for instance. Gah.
Not just a US footprint for US customers, but having servers. legal, and operations means that those things will not be under direct threat from the Russian government. I expect that is more important to SUP and its Russian users than keeping American users happy, though that as a side effect wouldn't be viewed as a bad thing.

stewardess replied:
> Apparently SUP is very aware it needs a US "footprint"
> or American LJ customers will leave in droves.
> While LJ/Six Apart had many a spectacular fuckup,
> nothing beefed up IJ's membership more than the
> announcement of SUP's purchase.

Oh dear. Who are you kidding?
The vast horde of users shall never leave LJ!
LJ could pull them to a special page after logon that would install a keylogger on their computer, and they wouldn't cease surfing there.

The people still at LJ are emotionally addicted to it.

(Please excuse me. I sound slightly too brash in here. But it is aimed at the dolts still at LJ.)