[info]mllesatine in [info]07refugees

LJ employees sacked

SUP sacked a number of employees in their San Francisco office. no_lj_ads has a tiny summary and a few links to a few sources (they call it the Grim Purge which I find inappropriate...)


Sorry for being slow, but why is "Grim Purge" inappropriate?
I second: It seems a little melodramatic but not really inappropriate.
I thought it was a play on words for the Great Purge.
Ah (hello, lack of historical knowledge…) - I only associated it with LJ's own use of the word for cleaning out deleted journals. Thanks.
It's okay.
Oh dear. No, I was entirely unaware of that, I only used grim purge because it was a definite purge of employees--half of the San Fran office--and it was a very grim thing for me as well as others, knowing some of the people involved. It was hard to know that some of my friends had been let go in a very insensitive fashion--I understand that businesses do need to downsize sometimes, but details that I'm not sure I should talk about made it a very ungraceful layoff.

Although I disagree with a lot of SUP's actions and policies, I don't think that more Russian involvement and control is necessarily a wrong thing to have happen--LJ has been much more important to Russia than the US, and it's only fair they have someone looking out for their priorities there. So, my title was definitely not a Russian slur.