[info]elfwreck in [info]07refugees

Support requests marked "answered" w/o answer

Found two more today--support requests marked "answered," with no answer listed.

#824444, about the unsearchable interest terms.
#836059, about graphic artwork policy not included in the TOS or FAQ.

That's the third support request they've closed without answering; there's another, from late March, that they've just been ignoring--I assume that when it gets old enough, they'll mark it "answered" and let it drop off their "open requests" list. (#862270, asking what promised "increased limits for Basic and Plus users" the new owners will be implementing, since they got rid of Basic accounts.)

I suppose this is not news to anyone. Just thought I'd mention--if you made a support request a while back, especially on a touchy subject that takes a policymaker's decision rather than an abuse team member's judgment call ("is this random wankage, or real harassment?"), it may have been marked "done" without telling you.


nothing to say except that your icon is hilarious
Shrugs. It's LJ, next question?

Seriously. No offense intended at all, but really, and seriously: it is LJ.