[info]ladybelz in [info]07refugees

Squeaky Throws His Hat In The Ring!

[info]squeaky had thrown his hat in the nomination ring for the LJ Advisory Board. Let's show him our support! Go here to support his nomination.


That's awesome to hear. I hope he's able to do well. Going to cross post this as well~

I supported the nomination.

I know absolutely nothing about the advisory board... but I wonder if they would allow "competition" to be on the board?
Maybe not, but it's a really good point -- there are other sites running their code, and they should be acknowledged in some capacity.
What you said. Twice even.}:P
I agree they should be acknowledged... but... this is LJ we are talking about.

Do they actually listen to reason?
Maybe not, but it's a really good point -- there are other sites running their code, and they should be acknowledged in some capacity.
It's worth noting that Sqeaky was officially acknowledged by Marta. To exclude him now would be very poor form.
Added my support as well. Go Squeaky!
He he! That would be awesome! He needs to show them how it's done. Supported the nom. ;)
LOL I'm so Off LJ I don't care what they do anymore. Still it would be funny.
ROFL... and your icon is... well... there are no words for its wonderfulness.
Is anyone artistic enough to make a banner (or icon) in support of squeaky?

I'd suggest a slogan like "A vote for Squeaky is a vote for openness."

But anything supporting squeaky will do!
Ok, that icon could not be more perfect!
squeaky got the 100 votes of support to move on to the next stage!

Woot woot!!
Keep voting though. It'll show exactly how muchj off site members are supported.
Hopefully he'll get enough votes for round 2.

Also... I don't even like HP but I appreciate your icon very much XD
Quite frankly, he's probably the best one there, and it would be great if he got elected.

It's a trap.

I pledged I would never again logon to Live Journal.
But when the voting period commences, I will temporarily dispense with this pledge.

I will vote for squeaky on both of my LJ accounts.

it is fascinating, but disappointing, that the people I knew on LJ have not responded to anything in the election community.
Maybe they know something.

The election will run from 23 - 28 May? (Checking..)
On Monday, 2 June, everybody who attempted to vote for squeaky (or leesa) for the board will discover that his/her LJ has been "permanently suspended", and his/her vote was not counted.

(And for the respondent who complained that Microsoft©® would not let Steve Jobs have a seat on its board; is he unaware that Microsoft is invested in Apple®?)