[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

^_^ Greetings.

I feel I should join [info]squeaky in welcoming the new LJ-fleers to IJ. Hopefully you'll settle in nicely here. This asylum acts as a sort of halfway point to keep us up to date on what's happening on LJ, whether for wistful nostalgia's sake or pure trainwreck syndrome. Any questions can be directed to me, the owner/maintainer, by comment or email.

If you go to the main community page there's a list of tags down the side that you can use when making posts. I do my best to tag the posts that need it, but it always helps if the OP does it themself. :)


Hello. You know, I find it funny at this point. It seemed so "insane" to join a site called "insanejournal," but now that LJ has pretty much driven me insane with its hijinks, I feel like I can finally rest in my own padded cell.
It's like that Douglas Adams line in "So Long and Thanks For All the Fish" about the entire rest of the world being the insane asylum :D
Howdy, newbies! *hugs*

spike dropping by

Oh I think the latest deal-- the SUP thing-- will be driving some more folks over here.

It was the last straw for me. I am leaving El Jay permanently by the end of the year because I will not support a company which endorses Putin and the Kremlin.

Hope the new folks settle in.

Thank you for the welcome:) It's nice to feel so welcomed somewhere, especially after the way LJ's treated us and the way GJ is acting.