[info]guiltyred in [info]07refugees

About that email notification option...

Several folks commented to my last post about the email notification of new friends and such ( http://www.insanejournal.com/manage/subscriptions/ ) -- apparently once you fill in the ticky-boxes and hit SAVE, the page reloads with no boxes checked. Did it work? Did it not work? Is it different for paid/non-paid accounts?

I just tried setting up notification for my free account and then friended it on my paid one -- don't know how long it should take, but so far, no email.

I'm going to notify the support squad and see what they say.


I tried it with the same result, and I have a paid account so. After ticking all the tickyboxes and hitting Save it still says I have 0 subscriptions.
Ack, yeah. Sorry I hadn't replied to your last post about this -- the feature isn't enabled yet because (if I remember correctly) it's going to require a lot of testing and working out the bugs. Maybe it'd be something we could bring up in [info]ideas to hopefully get working? I was a HUGE user of that feature on LJ!
Aha! Okay, now it makes sense. The page is there, but nothing works -- yet. Do you want to do the honors, or shall I? I'm willing to drop onto my knees and beg -- not knowing via email that I have new friends drives me batty.
Either way is fine! If you post, I'll definitely second it because I think the increase in friends was based off of the requests in that comm and in the support area too.
Sorry guys, I didn't see this post and went ahead and posted about it in ideas. I didn't mean to steal your thunder, it was just pissing me off it wasn't working.
I don't mind at all, I've been slow all day. :D And I just seconded what you said!