World In Her Hands
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Yo, Ethan, you got a minute? Got something I wanna ask you.

How's everybody else doing?

Whoever said sleep is overrated should be shot.

Gigi )

Sylar [userpic]

Younger me, how about you an I go out tonight and have some fun? Seeing as I have the last few days had nothing other to do than observe the habits of others I've found a few...goodies one could say.

Cloning, and gravitational manipulation.

Are you in, or are you out? And yes, there's a wrong answer.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Everybody sing it with me! )

Sylar [userpic]

Tesla, my dearest, sweetest, fairest preggo lady little red-head.

How about you come by our my place, and then we all, meaning you, me and little you, go out for an evening in New York? I'll show you the city like no one else can, and I promise you that I'll make it fun for you. Hell, we don't even have to bring little you if you'd rather have it be just you and me, babe.

So what do you say? Are you willing to take a chance and try something new? An evening out with a killer who can't kill, yet still desires it more than anything? What could be more fun?

Promise I won't hurt anyone, unless someone tries to hurt you, Sugardoll.

I happen to be very fond of my Christmas present.

His name is Victor )

He's 7 weeks old. And apparently I'm his favorite chew toy. Seriously; he gets up on the top of the couch just so he can chew on my ears.

Sylar [userpic]

I need to make myself a mental note to not give into the damn puppydog look, especially when there are two sets, well three, staring at you.
We have a puppy... Ethan dear, remind me to kill you later after you enroll the little brat into puppy training. Okay, so maybe I like it a little. Just a little.

Merry Christmas everyone I'll have more detailed wishes to you all once I get something proper to write with. The pup chewed up blackberry and now I'm posting from my iPod, and I can't private everything easily. Those I care about know I care so.

Though I will put up this. Tessiebear, I want more cookies.

Sylar [Mine] )

Ethan. )

Sylar [userpic]

Dad )

You bloody son of a bitch how could you even THINK......

Come to my world and see how right you fucking are then, just SEE.

OOC: Heroes spoilers in comments

Sylar [userpic]

I love Christmas. It' my favourite Holiday. I've never fully understood the hype of Halloween and why people obsess over it. You don't even get presents on Halloween! Sure you get candy, but, you do on Christmas too. I like Easter too. And Easter Egg hunts. Those are great fun.

But anyway. Like I said. I love Christmas. It's wonderful. I love the lights and the cold and the festiveness and the food and the cookies. Everything really.

So therefore, because I love it so much I feel like one of you women should come over with Christmas cookies, I like sugar cookies and Russian Tea Cakes(they seem to make my mouth orgasm). Oh, and we'll need milk. Meredith perhaps? If you have free time today too. Noah hasn't banned you from seeing me now has he?

Elle, I was going to go ahead here and assume that you don't have another man on the side that you're going to be doing nothing special for Christmas, but, I've shot myself in the foot before when it comes to assumption. So, what are you doing? And you still haven't told me what you want. I don't care that it wasn't important to you before or mattered much. It does now. What do you want?

Mommy )

God )

Sylar [userpic]


Damn, this place is messed up.

This? This kinda sucks.

And it's not even a hangover, which makes it worse.

. . . Okay, that was kind of awkward. This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I signed up for "vacation time".

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