World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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I aM CoMpArED tO AmY WinEHoUSe. AnD SoME BlONd CoWBoY.

ClEArLy I HaVe NOt KIlLeD EnouGH PEopLe REcEntly.

Current Mood: annoyed annoyed
bonnie deville [userpic]

Shit. FUCK. Holy HELL!

...burned my finger on the car door. . .

Ah...Paris in summer, lovely when it's cool enough.

Voice Post

*The message consists of a little boy's voice, loudly singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb", off-key*

Current Mood: bouncy bouncy
bonnie deville [userpic]

I got to serve and sit down and chat with a bunch of brand new Mexican/Americans. Just got their citizenship today and they came to Pina to celebrate.

I gotta tell you, that's a rush. I don't get down to my roots very much these days and it was nice to sit and have a Mexican meal with some genuine Mexicans in a place that wasn't a Taco Bell (which is Te-Mex for all ye who don't know).

Sat around joking in Spanish for about two hours before they left. The only part I had to miss out on was the tequila but four more months and that won't be a problem.

I plan to wear that top to work from now on.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Vacation time over.

Back to work for the first time since a while before Ace was even born.

bonnie deville [userpic]

One of the thousands of reasons I love my husband. )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Ace is shooting up like a weed. He's just passed two months old and he's started smiling at us. I tell you. All the sleep deprivation and constant feeding and this poofing business makes you wonder when you get a freaking break.

And then when you and dad peak in to see if he's awake in his playpen he looks up and flashes you the biggest, toothless grin ever. It's fucking precious. And it's amazing.

It's impossible to fathom that a year ago I started wanting to spend more and more time with his dad. In a little under a month it'll have been a year since he was conceived. In two months we'll have been married a year.

Scary. I know.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Nursey's gone again.

John. )

Is life ever gonna stop epically sucking?

bonnie deville [userpic]

I love ties.

Yep ties. Men's dressy accessories.


My head...ow.

Okay, so...I thought I'd died..again, but...I'm pretty sure that was my actual heart hammering in my ears just before. Woke up in the middle of crossing Main Street and suddenly realized, "Wow, I'm walking!" Oncoming traffic doesn't like it when you just...stop walking.

Local paper says it's 2009, and I'm in Lawrence, still. Great. Nothing like returning to the scene of the crime. And it's not like I can just waltz into my home anymore. Shit. The librarian here's been giving me funny looks, though. Maybe I knew her, when I was alive. I don't remember.

I was just nudged by the younger Gabriel that it has been a while since I posted, hasn't it? So I suppose this is the obligatory "I've not disappeared" post. I'd simply forgotten how time-consuming it is, raising children, particularly a teenager as well as avoiding the other version of myself.

Current Mood: tired tired
bonnie deville [userpic]
Blocked from Aaron and anyone else that might make her mood worse.

You know what? I give up.

I cannot handle this. I've been handling shit like this for a year and it slowed down and I thought oh good I passed the test and WHAT DO YOU KNOW? MORE SHIT.

You all stop picking fights that affect my baby's life or I'll Godbox to knock the shit out of you. Cancer or no cancer.

And for God's sakes STOP SHUTTING ME OUT.

Tess. )

bonnie deville [userpic]

I. . .have truly lost it.

I swear to God I laid down after I put the baby in the bassinet, not. . .laid down with the baby.

They're still shooting off fireworks up the street somewhere too. Fucking kids.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Ace is not a fireworks man.

At all.

bonnie deville [userpic]

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bonnie deville [userpic]

Happy Father's Day, babe. )

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