World In Her Hands
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Whoa, wait- what? This again?

Sylar [userpic]

I am awesome.

I've been quiet way too long and there's a fuck ton of new people here. Hi. I'm Zach Harper. Not Peter Petrelli, though I've been told that I look like him.

Well, this is . . . different. Did I miss a memo about relocation or something?

What in the bloody hell is going on here?

Peter, if you're responsible for this, I'm going to wring your sodding neck.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Just would like to randomly point out that today is a very good day to be the first day that I don't feel a single early pregnancy symptom.

Family, closest of friends, specifics below cut. )

Father Parish. )

Brooke. )

Shawn. )

Four months down, five to go. That's not too bad. There's still a lot to do before the baby gets here, but at least we're in a bigger apartment in a better neighborhood. That's a good start, right? Maybe I won't be so bad at this dad thing after all. I mean, I'm one step ahead of my old man 'cause I plan on sticking around.

Current Mood: happy happy

What in the world is going on?

How did I get here?


. . . Oh Goddammit. Like this day can get any worse??

Now where the hell am I?

Hm. Cute.

Oh God I.....

I ate someone's dog...Mae was right we are killers

Wow, throw myself into work and taking care of Meg and my kid and I miss a lot of stuff.

Anybody know how long morning sickness lasts?

Very funny, really. Whoever decided to turn things upside down and drop me here should reeeeally put them back. Like, now.

I have a lot of work to get done.

Blocked from Desmond and Petey

So there's this little kid who actually looks like my little Petey. He has been voiceposting and he says his name is Esmon Jones Mawoy. I think that's Malloy, but the Esmon is confusing me. Does anyone know this kid, or maybe have an idea what Esmon actually is? I'm thinking maybe Edmund or Desmond, but I'm not sure.

Zach Harper )

Okay . . . this isn't funny. I am NOT a singer.

Fucking hell...

It's been a long time since I've done that unintentionally.

So, state of the earth.

General amounts of misery seem to have passed, if you've got a beef, take it up with me, Ma's too busy working on catching up with other shit right now so I'm gonna do my best to handle that shit.

I'll say right now that most 'bring so and so back' or just 'here' aint gonna happen. Sorry, not tryin' to be a bitch, but if they're not here they aint s'posed to be here or aren't just yet.

For all you new to this world, my name's Jesus Christ, yes, that one, yes, I am black, yes, I am, currently, a woman. Call me Jesus without the Hispanic pronunciation tho, and I will cut you. I go by J, or Jay but it seems we got ourselves a couple of those now too. Vajayjay jokes are not appreciated, Jay and Bob.

*looks around*



Bloody hell what just happened?

Where am I?

I'm. . .going to be a father. It still hasn't really sank in, but yeah. Wow. I feel so bad for this kid, having ME as its dad.

Current Mood: still shocked still shocked
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