World In Her Hands
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Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Tuesdays are not quite as awesome as Mondays. But I do love having my own couch to lounge on. Unfortunately no good prime time TV has started back up again.

I am left with finding different, better entertainment... anyone up for foos-ball?

Rodney )

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Rodney )

Anybody looking for a good time? This hormonal pregnant bitches and their guard dog boyfriend/baby daddy types get old. Fast.

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Once again I am stuck looking for accommodations... any suggestions?

Rodney )

Assiah Beta [OC SHIELD] [userpic]

Hey Rajani and Ronon.

That was an utterly bitching night, regardless of the language barrier. Although those guys were on enough stuff, maybe it's WASN'T German they were speaking.

If either of you ever wanna cut loose, gimme a jingle. Adrenaline and troublemaking are my drugs of choice.

PS: Ronon, that disengage-and-evade you pulled on the orange and pink girl shedding glitter everywhere? Thing of beauty, bravo.

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Got the low down on a rave happening tonight. All who want to come meet me in Berlin, 10:00 pm - oh that's Berlin time.

This is not Micheal's facility. What is this place?...



Anyone, come in?

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Ok, I have made my decision on where and I have made my move. I took Tesla's advice but I am so wearing flowers in my hair.

Rodney, you get to see the place first, just let me know when you want to come over.

The Cheshire Cat [Carroll] [userpic]

Oh ho, what is this? A new tree to sit in, dear child.

How terribulous. New lessons to become greatons.

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Ok guys, I have been in my current apartment for, um, at least three months now. i need a change. So, I am taking suggestions as to where to move to next.

Come on guys, where do you think is a good place to move to?

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Going away for a couple days.

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Mia )

Well, this is certainly.... interesting.  Not sure quite how to handle it...  hhhm.

Okay, this fictional thing and I, um, watched the show -- MY show -- last night, and I'm guessing maybe that's not such a good thing to do because it certainly skews whatever clarity you've managed to achieve in your life.  Goals and such.  Who your, uh, friends are.  Apparently I declared my love for Dr. Keller, and while she's certainly a fine woman, and there are, uh, warm feelings there, I'm not sure I like the entire galaxy to know.  Or to be held to certain statements when ... other things have happened that may make certain statements slightly hard to swallow.

Little help here, the rest of you, uh, so-called canon characters?  Sheppard?

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Ok, Mathlete, what do you have planned for lunch? You've gone oddly silent since we agreed on lunch. Usually you have a lot to say.

Don't stare at the sun too long, or you might go blind.

Okay, okay, I finally got the mecha/organic interface to the point where I can safely delegate portions of each theorem to a not entirely brain dead lackey, and get on with more important work.  Oh, and John, you're such the whiz at naming things, any ideas on something snappy for such an interface?  And, uh, Mr. Pulse?  Whatever connections you tweaked really came through.  NASA -- well, my research to be more specific, my team and such, we pretty much have a blank check to draw upon.  So, uh, thanks for that.

Anyway, I can turn my attention back to self-sustaining fusion, something I've been working on for years, actually, most of my life.  And I'd like to hire someone who has a few IQ points above that of a shambling zombie, so if anyone is, uh, interested, just let me know.

Rajani )

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Rodney? You still want to see my ship? How does Thursday sound? John's more than welcome too, of course. So's Rajani, if she wants. I have a couple extra seats that come out of the wall for extra passengers.

Raven (and Tree), I'm coming by for a visit. As in, really soon. I might even try to hold the baby for 5 seconds and pretend I know what I'm doing.

Master Qui-Gon )

Now that I've noticed Severous is already here...

I'm hoping to bump into anyone from back home. That would be superb. Not being alone.

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Is anyone else bored tonight?

I'm starting to think Rodney's experiments with godboxes are worth a shot. That's how bored I am. I need someone to talk to.

Current Mood: bored bored

Very funny, really. Whoever decided to turn things upside down and drop me here should reeeeally put them back. Like, now.

I have a lot of work to get done.

Well, it seems I'm now playing father to two sets of twins. And one pair isn't even born yet.

I'm not sure if I'm happy or just numb from the shock.

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